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Displaying posts with tag: picconf (reset)
Liveblogging: Senior Skills: Grok awk

[author's note: personally, I use awk a bunch in MySQL DBA work, for tasks like scrubbing data from a production export for use in qa/dev, but usually have to resort to Perl for really complex stuff, but now I know how to do .]

By default, fields are separated by any number of spaces. The -F option to awk changes the separator on commandline.
Print the first field, fields are separated by a colon.
awk -F: '{print $1}' /etc/passwd

Print the first and fifth field:
awk -F: '{$print $1,$5}' /etc/passwd

Can pattern match and use files, so you can replace:
grep foo /etc/passwd | awk -F: '{print $1,$5}'
awk -F: '/foo/ {print $1,$5}' /etc/passwd

NF = built in variable (no $) used to mean “field number”
This will print the first and last fields of lines where the first …

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Liveblogging: Seeking Senior and Beyond

I am attending the Professional IT Community Conference – it is put on by the League of Professional System Administrators (LOPSA), and is a 2-day community conference. There are technical and “soft” topics — the audience is system administrators. While technical topics such as Essential IPv6 for Linux Administrators are not essential for my job, many of the “soft” topics are directly applicable and relevant to DBAs too. (I am speaking on How to Stop Hating MySQL tomorrow.)

So I am in Seeking Senior and Beyond: The Tech Skills That Get You Promoted. The first part talks about the definition of what it …

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