I released version 3.5.6 of MyQuery, and there are quite a number
of new features and fixes in there. The #1 bugfix is that the
annoying access warnings that poped up from Windows when saving
to the registry are gone, as I have now moved the registry to a
more Windows 10 acceptable place. Among the new features
- JSON format output when saving results.
- More flexible CSV format output with many new options.
- Ability to save Dyncol as JSON in CSV and JSON output.
- Nicer formatting of numbers in status dialogs.
- Auto refresh of status dialogs
As this is a version with many new features, I still
consider this a Beta. I have built it on Windows 10 and tested it
on Windows 10 and 7, 64-bit, although MyQuery itself is still a
32-bit windows application.
Happy SQL'ing