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Displaying posts with tag: Oracle to MySQL migration tips (reset)
Oracle to MySQL date type considerations

I’m in the process of migrating remaining functionality of from using Oracle to using MySQL. There were some assumptions I had made about various data types, particularly dates. One thing I discovered while converting one piece of code is the Oracle function to_char(). I have a table:

SQL> select member_name, change_time from access_changes where member_name = 'phptester10' order by change_time desc;

-------------------- ---------
phptester10          13-APR-09
phptester10          13-APR-09

So, I thought “ok, this is just going to be a ‘date’ type with a different format. For instance, 13-APR-09 will become 2009-04-13. But then I stumbled upon a query in a piece of code that does a sort on dates from this access_changes table:

SQL> select member_name, to_char(change_time, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:mi:SS') from access_changes where member_name = …
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