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Linus' one-off bleeding edge organic kernel hack

Aka Arjen's head ;-)
So this was at the conference dinner of 2009 in Hobart Tasmania. There's always at least one auction, and for some reason it has become tradition to a) bundle in extras with the original auction item and b) for some of those extras to involve removal of facial hair.

As described earlier, my hair was a package deal with Bdale Garbee's beard, and it was later bundled with Linus Torvalds turning into a barber for the day. So here's the fun in action...
I think Linus did a great job, having practiced previously only on his dog (who did not like it). The organic kernel hack appears bug-free, there was no bleeding, and I even have both my ears still.

In this case it was all even fairly appropriate in "shave for a cure" context, since the target …

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