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Displaying posts with tag: performance review (reset)
Stuff in Berlin

I asked for a performance review from my boss a while ago, and I got it on Tuesday. It was all good news. There is something clear that I need to work on, which is much, much better than having nowhere to improve :)

My manager said that he is happy with my work and that I have been quite innovative.

I've been getting up around 7:00 in the morning, showering, shaving, dressing, and getting to the MySQL offices around 7:45 - 8:30 (depending on whether I have breakfast at the hotel.)

When I get to the offices, I try to get all of the internet-related work (grabbing libraries, header files I'll need, programs I need to work on, etc) on to my system.

I also try to call hannahadams and remind her how much I miss her. I tell …

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