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Displaying posts with tag: game-programming (reset)
Move the viewport, not the world!

Two separate posts on drew my attention. It appears that some game programmers are getting it WRONG.

Superficially, it seems that in some games (think of scrolling games with enemies appearing of the edge of the screen), the enemies are all approaching at a constant rate.

But what REALLY happens, is that the viewport scrolls at a fixed rate, and each enemy starts at a fixed world-space position, and activates when the viewport reaches a particular place.

This is not a very important distinction for the player, but its a HUGE distinction for the programmer.

If the developer thinks it's good to have 1 million enemies, all of which are created at the beginning of the game, and then move each one of them, every single tick, to a slightly different position as the camera moves, then they are probably doing it wrong:

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HTML 2d Canvas upscaling - really inefficient

I started writing some test programs with the HTML canvas element. This is great, as you can actually write games in Javascript - efficiently - in principle.

My previous attempts have all used the DOM API which is not very convenient, and not very efficient.

I had assumed the canvas 2d drawing context was basically a software-renderer - it's not extremely efficient, but provided the canvas doesn't have too many pixels, you can still do a lot of work per frame on a modern machine.

Which is fine.

Suppose you have a canvas which is 640x320 pixels, you can then get it upscaled into whatever resolution is in the browser window, making the game appear the same size for everyone. Great.

Except, the upscaling in web browsers sucks performance. I tried Firefox 3.6 and Chrome 9. Both of them use loads of CPU scaling the canvas on to the screen.

If we use a canvas …

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