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Displaying posts with tag: Geo-clustering (reset)
Galera Manager Deploys Galera Cluster for MySQL on Amazon Web Services

Today there is NEW ERA for Galera Cluster monitoring and management and as we release Galera Manager 1.0 into the wild for everyone to evaluate, test, and deploy their Galera Clusters within an Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) environment to achieve MySQL High Availability, Multi-Master MySQL on the cloud and Disaster Recovery, all from the comfort of a web-based graphical user interface (GUI).

What does Galera Manager do? Galera Manager is a deployment, management and monitoring solution for Galera Clusters. A user can easily create clusters, add and remove nodes, and create geo-distributed clusters across multiple AWS regions, all with the click of a few buttons in one’s web browser. Even more useful is the over 620 monitoring metrics available to monitor the health of your clusters. Being fully web-based, you can say goodbye to …

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