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Column Families in MyRocks

In my webinar How To Rock with MyRocks I briefly mentioned the column families feature in MyRocks, that allows a fine tuning for indexes and primary keys.

Let’s review it in more detail.

To recap, MyRocks is based on the RocksDB library, which stores all data in [key => value] pairs, so when it translates to MySQL, all Primary Keys (data) and secondary keys (indexes) are stored in [ key => value ] pairs, which by default are assigned to “default” Column Family.

Each column family has individual set of

  • SST files, and their parameters
  • Memtable and its parameters
  • Bloom filters, and their parameters
  • Compression settings

There is a N:1 relation between tables and indexes to column family, so schematically it looks like this:

How do you assign …

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