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Webyog joins Idera’s Database Tools Family

We’re excited to announce that Webyog has been acquired by Idera, Inc. Idera, Inc. is a leading provider of B2B software productivity tools that enable technical users to do more. This acquisition will allow Webyog to expand the reach of our MySQL tools to new geographies while better serving our customers.

Webyog began in 2001 with the mission to develop a quality MySQL GUI tool (SQLyog) for our users and quickly became a key contributor to the MySQL ecosystem. Our core principle of enabling users to easily manage their MySQL databases has resonated with MySQL users and enabled us to build best of breed database management tools for the community as a whole. Today, Webyog provides MySQL database management and monitoring tools to over 2.5 million users in 150+ countries.

Our joining forces with IDERA will further enhance our product offerings and provide customers with exciting …

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