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Displaying posts with tag: How to set up MariaDB Connector C (reset)
How to set up and use MariaDB Connector C

I just wanted to provide quick tutorial on using MariaDB’s Connector C.

I downloaded the latest Connector C (3.0.2), running MariaDB 10.1.28, and was able to get it to work fine with a simple C program using the following commands:

1. Downloaded the Connector C .msi file (32-bit, since my VS is 32-bit), extracted, and installed, which placed it at:

C:\Program Files (x86)\MariaDB\MariaDB Connector C\lib

2. You need to add the directory that contains libmaria.dll to your $PATH Environment LIB PATH variable. In my case, it was:

Control Panel -> System -> Advanced System Settings -> Environment Variables -> Choose "LIB" from under "System variables" -> then add the Connector C lib path, like:
C:\Program Files (x86)\MariaDB\MariaDB Connector C\lib

3. Then just run the following command, where my c/c++ program name is “mysql1.c”:

cl /I "C:\Program Files …
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