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Displaying posts with tag: undo log file (reset)
Testing MySQL 8.0 – let me create a ton of undo files

This is the late blog post about 2 recent bug reports

The basic idea came after reading ->

So the result of test ->
After each restart of MySQL the new undo log files are going to be created + keeping old files.

shahriyar.rzaev@qaserver-06:~/sandboxes/msb_8_0_1/data$ du -hs
# The count of undo files
shahriyar.rzaev@qaserver-06:~/sandboxes/msb_8_0_1/data$ ls | grep undo | wc -l

After new restart:

# New count
shahriyar.rzaev@qaserver-06:~/sandboxes/msb_8_0_1/data$ ls | grep undo | wc -l

So how to …

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