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Displaying posts with tag: adding new command into mysql source code (reset)
Playing with MySQL Source code; Adding “STOP ALL SLAVES” command

This blog post is a result of reading book.
To be clear -> “Expert MySQL” by Charles Bell ->
This book explain internals of MySQL based on 5.6.x version. So relatively new and really good resource to use.

So the task is:
Chapter 8, “Extending MySQL High Availability” -> page 310, “Extending Replication”.
Where we should add new command -> “SQLCOM_STOP_SLAVES” executed on master and causing to STOP IO_THREAD on all slaves.
The basic idea is to run “STOP ALL SLAVES” on master, which in turn will appear on binary log and then it will applied on slaves.

MySQL version is 5.6.32.

So, as book advice go to sql/lex.h. “We are adding the new symbol for the command. This file contains the symbol array stored in …

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