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Displaying posts with tag: bash on windows (reset)
A look at Unicode with bash on Windows

When I wrote this blog about “bash on Windows” a few days ago I omitted one issue, that I already knew about. This is because it needs some elaboration that did not ‘fit in’ the previous blog. So I will do it here.

It is about Unicode. Unicode always was a pain in “cmd” and with the arrival of “bash” in Windows, this has become more significant and important. Actually on any recent *nix platform user will not do anything to make Unicode work ‘out of the box’ in the console and display all or almost all scripts (though I have noticed that the completeness of the ‘monospace’ font mostly used in the Linux console varies between Linux distros – with …

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A look at Unicode with bash on Windows

When I wrote this blog about “bash on Windows” a few days ago I omitted one issue, that I already knew about. This is because it needs some elaboration that did not ‘fit in’ the previous blog. So I will do it here.

It is about Unicode. Unicode always was a pain in “cmd” and with the arrival of “bash” in Windows, this has become more significant and important. Actually on any recent *nix platform user will not do anything to make Unicode work ‘out of the box’ in the console and display all or almost all scripts (though I have noticed that the completeness of the ‘monospace’ font mostly used in the Linux console varies between Linux distros – …

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