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Displaying posts with tag: Galera's (reset)
PXC – Incremental State transfers in detail

IST Basics

State transfers in Galera remain a mystery to most people.  Incremental State transfers (as opposed to full State Snapshot transfers) are used under the following conditions:

  • The Joiner node reports Galera a valid Galera GTID to the cluster
  • The Donor node selected contains all the transactions the Joiner needs to catch up to the rest of the cluster in its Gcache
  • The Donor node can establish a TCP connection to the Joiner on port 4568 (by default)

IST states

Galera has many internal node states related to Joiner nodes.  They currently are:

  1. Joining
  2. Joining: preparing for State Transfer
  3. Joining: requested State Transfer
  4. Joining: receiving State Transfer
  5. Joining: State …
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