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Displaying posts with tag: mysql 5.7 crash (reset)
Getting SIGABRT -> Assertion `is_binlog_empty()’ failed with MySQL 5.7.7-rc

What about inserting data to MySQL 5.7.7-rc-debug with GTID/binary log enabled. It is OK until you hit disk full condition while inserting data. It will crash on the way and likely you will lose MySQL. Error log indicates related problem:

2015-07-29T07:20:05.865708Z 2 [ERROR] InnoDB: posix_fallocate(): Failed to preallocate data for file ./sls2/sales.ibd, desired size 4194304 bytes. Operating system error number 28. Check that the disk is not full or a disk quota exceeded. Make sure the file system supports this function. Some operating system error numbers are described at
2015-07-29T07:20:05.895529Z 2 [Warning] InnoDB: 1048576 bytes should have been written. Only 557056 bytes written. Retrying again to write the remaining bytes.
2015-07-29T07:20:05.905149Z 2 [Warning] InnoDB: 491520 bytes should have been written. Only 106496 bytes written. Retrying again to write the remaining …
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