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Displaying posts with tag: mysql slave server disk full condition (reset)
Error reading GTIDs from binary log: -1

Wonder how MySQL Slave server will act, when disk full condition occurs? Before in our articles we use only single MySQL server. Now think about replication topology, where slave server has problem with full partition. Firstly we will enable Binary Log/GTID on Slave side and will ensure that the changes also applied to binary log on Slave side:

      server_id = 2 
      log_bin = /opt/mysql/datadir/mysql-bin 
      log_bin_index = /opt/mysql/datadir/mysql-bin 
      expire_logs_days = 14 
      sync_binlog = 1 
      binlog_format = row 
      relay_log = /opt/mysql/datadir/mysql-relay-bin 
      log_slave_updates = 1 
      read_only = 1 
      gtid-mode = on 
      enforce-gtid-consistency = true 
      master-info-repository = TABLE 
      relay-log-info-repository = TABLE 
      slave-parallel-workers = 15 
      binlog-checksum = CRC32 
      master-verify-checksum = 1 
      slave-sql-verify-checksum = 1 …
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