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MySQL 5.5.42 Overview and Highlights

MySQL 5.5.42 was recently released (it is the latest MySQL 5.5, is GA), and is available for download here:

This release, similar to the last 5.5 release, is mostly uneventful.

There were only 3 “Functionality Added or Changed” bugs this time, all related to SSL, and only 9 bugs overall fixed.

Out of the 9 bugs, there were 2 InnoDB bugs, and 1 replication bug, all of which seemed rather minor or obscure. Here are the ones worth noting:

  • Support for the SSL 2.0 and SSL 3.0 protocols has been disabled because they provide weak encryption. (Bug #19820550, Bug #19921150)
  • yaSSL was upgraded to version 2.3.7. (Bug #19695101, Bug #20201864)
  • The valid date range of the SSL certificates in mysql-test/std_data has been extended to the year 2029. (Bug …
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