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Displaying posts with tag: query caching (reset)
The MySQL Query Cache: How it works, plus workload impacts (good and bad)

Query caching is one of the prominent features in MySQL and a vital part of query optimization. It is important to know how it works as it has the potential to cause significant performance improvements – or a slowdown – of your workload.

The MySQL query cache is a global one shared among the sessions. It caches the select query along with the result set, which enables the identical selects to execute faster as the data fetches from the in memory. It is important to have everything identical, no new comments, spaces, or most significantly differences in the WHERE clause. Basically when you trigger a select query, if it is available in the cache; it fetches from there or it considers the query as a new one and will go to the parser.

Even though it has some nice advantages, the MySQL query cache has its own downsides too. Well, let’s think about this: If you are frequently updating the table, you are then invalidating …

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