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Displaying posts with tag: SSD MySQL (reset)
Discussing the innodb_log_block_size variable

Not a ground-breaking post here, but if you are interested in knowing more about the innodb_log_block_size variable, or if you use SSD cards and/or large InnoDB log files on ext4, then this is for you.

I’d read about it before briefly before, but didn’t give it too much thought until I ran across the following entry in an error log the other day:

InnoDB: Warning: innodb_log_block_size has been changed
from default value 512. (###EXPERIMENTAL### operation)

This got me wanting to know more.

Basically, this variable changes the size of transaction log records. Generally, the default of 512 is a good value. However, it has been found that setting it to 4096 has been beneficial when using SSD cards. (Note that while it is possible to set this to a value other than 512 or 4096, those are currently the only 2 values that make sense to use.)

Also, it has been found that 4096 is the best setting if you run …

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