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Displaying posts with tag: dd (reset)
Take image from corrupted hard drive

There are at least two cases when it makes sense to take an image from a corrupted hard drive as soon as possible: disk hardware errors and corrupted filesystem. Faulty hard drives can give just one chance to read a block, so there is no time for experiments. The similar picture with corrupted filesystems. Obviously something went wrong, it’s hard to predict how the operating system will behave next second and whether it will cause even more damage.

Save disk image to local storage

Probably the best and fastest way is to plug the faulty disk into a healthy server and save the disk image locally:

# dd if=/dev/sdb of=/path/on/sda/faulty_disk.img  conv=noerror

Where /dev/sdb is the faulty disk and faulty_disk.img is the image on the healthy /dev/sda disk.

conv=noerrror tells dd to continue reading even if …

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