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Displaying posts with tag: Innodb Fulltext Indexes (reset)
Useful MySQL 5.6 features you get for free in PXC 5.6

I get a lot of questions about Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.6 (PXC 5.6), specifically about whether such and such MySQL 5.6 Community Edition feature is in PXC 5.6.  The short answer is: yes, all features in community MySQL 5.6 are in Percona Server 5.6 and, in turn, are in PXC 5.6.  Whether or not the new feature is useful in 5.6 really depends on how useful it is in general with Galera.

I thought it would be useful to highlight a few features and try to show them working:

Innodb Fulltext Indexes

Yes, FTS works in Innodb in 5.6, so why wouldn’t it work in PXC 5.6?  To test this I used the Sakila database , which contains a single table with FULLTEXT.  In the sakila-schema.sql file, it is still designated a MyISAM table:

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