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Displaying posts with tag: lazyweb (reset)
work @ webfaction: they need an australian customer support person

What they need the most in the short term is someone who could do customer support between 3am and 11am, London time, so someone in Australia would be perfect

Do you happen to know anyone who might be interested in the job?

Ideally it would be someone who’s familiar with web technologies (web, DNS, e-mail servers), linux and maybe some web frameworks (Django, Rails,. ..).

The candidate would be doing customer support (answering tickets) but if they’re interested they could also do sysadmin work or even development work.



see the webfaction job page for more details

Dear Lazyweb. Extracting all the certs from old Mozilla security dbs

Dear Lazyweb,

I have all my old .netscape and .mozilla directories for all my past installations of Netscape, Mozilla, and Firebox, going back to 1996. I've got cert.db, cert5.db, and cert7.db files.

I want to extract out all of the certs and keys that I had added to those databases, and then import them into my current ~/.mozilla database.

Reading the docs and futzing around with NSS signtool, certutil, and pk12util isn't getting me very far.

Surely there is a tool or technique do doing this...

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