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Displaying posts with tag: Glimpsee (reset)
How do you want to get [Plus] in 2014!

2013 was and we wish you a happy new year 2014!
Last year was amazing and we are looking forward to live 2014.

I’m honored to take part of two amazing events in 2014, the FOSDEM and PLMCE.
By my lowly contribution as committee member of these two events, I wanted to promote open source in general and MySQL in particular.
And the schedule of these events tells me that we won the bet!
(PLMCE schedule will be published next week)

MySQL raises interest more and again in 2014 and is still in the heart of major architectures ;-)
We are proud to promote community events, community projects and open source initiatives for many years!

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What do you want to know about Glimpsee?

We have had some success with the introduction of Glimpsee last month. Merci !
I would like to thanks all of you who have registered and those who are interested in Glimpsee without even really knowing what’s going on.
It is really important for us to feel enthusiasm about our work, because we work hard to provide a tool that could improve your life.

We hope to offer a public beta release of Glimpsee before the end of the year and many more surprises before. Meanwhile, we would like to offer you an incomplete FAQ about Glimpsee, enjoy :

What is Glimpsee?


Glimpsee is a smart dashboard for lazy DBA (devops included) The dashboard provides, as Software-as-a-Service, a new way to view the status …

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Your databases in a glance with Glimpsee (sign up now!)

During the last months we’ve worked hard on a new and exiting project!

“We’re making it easier to show your databases in a glance”


I’m very proud to reveal the project for the first time because I am convinced that Glimpsee will change the way you “watch” the status of your databases…

Glimpsee is not another monitoring tool, it is the easiest way we’ve found to make DBA’s life easier.

I can’t say more about Glimpsee at this point but keep in mind these few words: simple, simple and… simple!

An alpha release of Glimpsee is already running for a lucky few. Register now to be the firsts to discover Glimpsee!


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