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Displaying posts with tag: acquire_lock (reset)
Troubleshooting MySQL Crashes related to Metadata Locking

I just wrote an article about “Troubleshooting ‘Waiting for table metadata lock’ Errors for both MyISAM and InnoDB Tables” and then ran into a new, different metadata locking issue right after I posted it, and so I thought I’d share that too, just in case anyone ever encounters a similar situation.

In this case, mysqld kept crashing on restart, reporting “out of memory” errors:

/opt/app/mysql/product/mysql/bin//mysqld: Out of memory (Needed 840 bytes)
stack_bottom = 7fb4ebaeae58 thread_stack 0x40000
mysqld: /mysql/mysys/ int __cxa_pure_virtual():
  Assertion `! "Aborted: pure virtual method called."' failed.
mysqld: /mysql/mysys/ int __cxa_pure_virtual():
  Assertion `! "Aborted: pure virtual method called."' failed.
Fatal signal 6 while backtracing

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