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Displaying posts with tag: errno: 22 (reset)
Tracking down strange “Can’t find file” (ER_FILE_NOT_FOUND) Errors

Ever see an error like this in your console or error log, respectively, and wonder where it originated from?

Console (5.5.30):

ERROR 1017 (HY000): Can't find file:
'.\test\select@0020@002a@0020from@0020t1.frm' (errno: 22)

Error Log (5.5.30):

130307 23:22:04 [ERROR] C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\bin\mysqld: 
Can't find file: '.\test\select@0020@002a@0020from@0020t1.frm' (errno: 22)

(Fwiw, they are harmless, unless it is indicative of some sql injection – but you may want to sanitize your data better, unless it’s just a one-time user error. Also, if you’re seeing it from the command line, then you’ll likely realize what you did immediately, and thus no need to ‘figure out’ what happened. However, when you *only* see this entry in the error log, and you want to know how that happened after the fact, then this is more relevant.)

At any rate, after searching the code, one can see …

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