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Displaying posts with tag: procmon.exe (reset)
Resolving the bison.exe m4 Invalid argument Error when building MySQL/MariaDB/XtraDB on Windows

If you’ve tried compiling MySQL/MariaDB/XtraDB from source code on Windows, you may have run into the following error:

C:\GnuWin32\bin\bison.exe: m4: Invalid argument

Now, it is a known bug to receive this error if you install it to a location with spaces in the path. So don’t do that!

But, there are cases when you have not installed it to a path with spaces, and you still receive this error.

I’ve encountered it a number of times, and I’m not the only one (btw, thanks Venu for your existing work-around up to this point!).


Compile MySQL/MariaDB/XtraDB on Windows and receive the following error …

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