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Setting Up SSL For MySQL

I often get asked how to set up and use SSL with MySQL, especially on Windows – I think largely because the manual step-by-step is more geared towards Linux users (though this “how-to” is valid for all – anyone can copy/paste the commands after changing the paths).

So I’ve compiled a concise, yet comprehensive, how-to that I wanted to share with everyone out there who wants to set this up quickly and efficiently.

And for those who haven’t done it, setting up SSL can often seem intimidating, so I want to dispell that myth while I’m at it, and show you how quick and easy it can be to set up SSL for MySQL.

For one, I should mention that I’m using a version where SSL is ‘available’, just ‘DISABLED’ (some versions can be compiled w/out ssl support – so those would not work):

mysql> show global …
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