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(25) playing with bash autocompletion

Updated: as Blaxter notes, it’s necessary to open a new terminal after editing the bashrc file for the changes to take effect. Also, I’ve replaced the tail -n+2 with the -ss option. Thanks Baron Schwartz!

One of the things I’ve been doing lately is doing some cleanup on my laptop.

There are two things I’m constantly using on the shell:

  • Open a project folder
  • Connect to a MySQL Database

Bash Functions

I first made a bash function to help me with the projects paths:

function cdp {
case $1 in
    cd /Users/golo/devel/svn/foo/src ;;
    cd /Users/golo/devel/svn/bar/src ;;
    echo "Options:"
    echo ""
    echo "  foo"
    echo "  bar"

I placed that on my /etc/bashrc , so I write:

$ …
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