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Displaying posts with tag: stored procedure (reset)
Automating mantenance tasks on MySQL

I'm trying to automate some trivial maintenance tasks for my own MySQL server, and trying also to minimize the effort, so ... Here is the recipe:

Take an excellent generalized stored procedure like the one by Konstantin Osipov, see "Dynamic SQL is Stored Procedures" on MySQLForge (example 4).
Tune it a bit so that it takes into account only non system tables (I'm trying to turn it into something similar to Microsoft's sp_MSforeachtable), here is the code:

  2. DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `test`.`sp_4_each_table` $$
  3. CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `sp_4_each_table`(db_name VARCHAR(64), template VARCHAR(21845))
  4. BEGIN
  5. #
  7. #
  8. DECLARE tname VARCHAR(64);
  9. #
  10. DECLARE c …
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Been busy,

I have been very busy this past months, with both personal crisis and mega-patches. This is my MySQL blog so lets keep it to topic.
A couple of weeks ago, the plugins mega-patch was finally pushed and was released to the world in version 5.1.18. Thanks to Ingo and Sergei for keeping up the effort while I was occupied. As part of the code push, InnoDB code was stripped out of the main mysqld code and stored where it belongs, within Innobase's code. This is an exciting development as it now makes it easier than ever for plugin developers to create plugins without having to modify any existing code within mysqld. It has taken many months to get to this point but we are finally there. Anyone remember our CEO announcing the plugin initutive back when Innobase was acquired by Oracle? October 2005, I believe.

Since that push, I am back on bug-fixing... I have an annoying bug on Itanic with Intel's Itanic Compiler. (Yeah, I know the …

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