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Displaying posts with tag: spider (reset)
[MySQL][Spider]Spider storage engine 0.12 released

I released Spider storage engine version 0.12.(beta)

Spider storage engine can be used for database sharding by using table partitioning and table link.
Spider storage engine can synchronize an update for remote MySQL servers by XA transaction at Spider-internal.
Introduction document:

The main changes in this version are following.
("Table parameter" that is used following is parameters for each table. Please see "04_table_create.txt" and "06_table_parameters.txt" in the download documents for more details.)
- Add table parameter "table_count_mode".
  If storage engine can return correct full record count from table status …

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Test driving the Spider storage engine - sharding for the masses

At the MySQL Conference 2009 I attended a session about the Spider storage engine, an engine with built-in sharding features.
The talk was notable for the speaker wearing a spiderman costume, and for some language barrier that made the talk less enjoyable than it should be. That's a pity, because the engine is very intriguing, and deserves some exploration.

What is the Spider engine, then? In short, it's an extension to the partitioning engine with the ability of connecting to remote servers. Basically, partitions + federated, except that Federated is explicitly removed during the …

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