Showing entries 38436 to 38445 of 43769
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MySQL Tools for Visual Studio 1.1.0 Alpha released!

Today we have released the first build of MySQL Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio 1.1 -- a downloadable plug-in for Visual Studio 2005 that allows Windows developers to quickly build MySQL data-driven applications with Visual Studio. With this plug-in, developers will be able to create, modify and manage MySQL database objects with an easy-to-use interface from within the Visual Studio IDE.  This product is delivered as a package compatible with Visual Studio 2005 and delivers the following features:

This release builds on the original 1.0 plugin by adding support for using the DataSource wizard and the DataSet designer in Visual Studio 2005.  The Data Source wizard can be found by choosing Data|Add Data Source from the Visual Studio menu.  It provides a way to connect the generic data-handling capabilities of Visual Studio to our provider.  Once a data source is added then custom datasets can be created using the …

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Log Buffer #29: a Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs

Welcome to Log Buffer, the weekly, human-edited overview of database blogs. I’m on my own again this week, but I hope to make some new Log Buffer friends soon. Let’s begin with Colin Charles’s blog, where he offers some background of the reception of MySQL AB’s introduction of its dual-distribution model, using a quote, “MySQL [...]

Oscon Call For Papers Closing Soon

O'Reilly's Oscon 2007 call for papers will be closing February 5.  This is the last chance to submit talks.  Hopefully there will be lots of good technical sessions on the LAMP stack, Web 2.0 and MySQL.  If you've never been to Oscon, this is a great chance to take part in what is arguably the best open source conference on the planet.  Hey, why be a spectator when you can be an active participant?

The O'Reilly Open Source Convention
July 23-27, 2007
Portland, Oregon

New Review: NGS Software's Typhon III

I recently had the opportunity to review NGS Software's updated Typhon III general vulnerability scanner. I had previously reviewed it two years ago and was impressed with the product then. The updated version has some nice, new features. You can read my review here: A Review of Typhon III. It'll hit the main page of on Feburary 5, 2007.

Technorati Tags: DATABASE | SQL Server | Microsoft SQL Server | SQL Server 2000 | …

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OSDC-chat at HUMBUG this Saturday (27 Jan)

Since so many HUMBUG members are interested in the OSDC-2007-in-Brisbane idea, there will be an initial gathering to discuss ideas and such at the HUMBUG meeting this Saturday, 27 January.

HUMBUG is run at Room S201, Hawken Engineering Building (no. 50) at the University of Queensland. The usual HUMBUG meetings start at 3pm, but the OSDC discussion will commence at 5pm. I did some venue scouting earlier this week, so I'll be able to give some info on that.

See you there, if you can make it - otherwise if you are interested in helping and haven't dropped me a line yet, please do so (at my-first-name @ my-last-name dot com dot au). I'm keeping a list and will make sure everybody is included for follow-up meetings and everything else. Thanks!

FrOSCon 2007: Sponsors Wanted!

The second edition of the annual Free and Open Source Software Conference (FrOSCon) will take place on August 25-26 2007 at the University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg in Sankt Augustin, Germany near the cities of Bonn and Cologne.

FrOSCon is a two day conference that revolves around a rich schedule of talks, highlighting current topics in Free Software and Open Source. Moreover, developers will be offered space to organize their own meetings or subconferences.

If you are interested in sponsoring this great event, do not hesitate to …

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I?ve given up on the MySQL manual search

It?s simply too inaccurate to be useful. I?ve switched to using google with firefox bookmark keywords instead. Here is how to set it up. In firefox click on Organize Bookmarks under the Bookmarks menu. Click the New Bookmark button and fill in the following values.

  • Name: MySQL Manual
  • Location:
  • Keyword: mysql
  • Description: Keyword bookmark for using Google to search the MySQL manual.

Click ok and close the bookmark menu. Now instead of typing or using the search box on you can simply type mysql foo into the address bar. Firefox will use your keyword to load the location in the bookmark replacing %s with foo resulting in results from the mysql manual. This can be done with any search engine. Simply do a test search and replace the search term with %s for the bookmark url.

MySQL User Conference 2007

It's been a while since I posted anything to this blog. Now there is a cause to rev up - my talk about the client library internals was accepted.
The puzzle how to deliver anything more than superficial in scope of a 45 minute presentation remains to be solved, and perhaps not without help of the blogosphere.

Vista annoyance number 87

Can someone please tell me why I have to suffer a UAC prompt elevation to set environment variables for myself?  And please don't try and justify it by telling me the UI for setting user environment variables is in the same place as system environment variables thus requiring an elevation.

Yet more evidence that Vista is simply half-baked.

Open Source Software??in your CAR?

So recently my wife and I bought a new ‘used’ car ….

The car came with the OEM CD changer. While the cd changer did the job it was not sufficient for me…..6 disc cd changers are so 90’s aren’t they???

So I started to research other options to replace the cd changer.

I wanted something simple that would be scaleable and most importantly, whatever I chose needed to Integrate into my current soundsystem which includes an on board GPS system. It also had to be relatively low cost.

So with these requirements, I set off to search for a replacement for my 6 disc CD changer…

I stumbled onto a Digital Music System. Which consists of either a 40 gb hard drive or can be upgraded to 80 gb or 120 gb.
I chose the 40 gb version. This hard drive can be connected to my PC at home and I can load 1/3
of my music collection onto this drive before filling it up. This system met all my other …

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