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Heikki Tuuri To Join In Database Wrestling Match

I wrote a few days ago about the keynote I'm hoping will lead to some wonderful on-stage fireworks — the Clash of the Database Egos. The keynote has had a late addition: the creator of InnoDB, Heikki Tuuri. I'm certain a number of you out there had wondered how we could have a clas of the database egos without Heikki participating. I assure you, there wasn't any ill intent for not having Heikki originally listed on the clash speaker list. More of a time pressure thing from my end, nothing more.

Our most excellent facilitator, …

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The Guru Bar

At the MySQL Conference & Expo April 23-26 in Santa Clara, we'll be introducing for the first time the idea of a "Guru Bar."  Taking a tip from Apple's highly successful in-store "genius bar" (which I've found to deliver excellent service" we decided to up the ante at our conference.  Our Guru Bar will be staffed by top notch MySQL gurus including our System Engineers, Developers, Consultants, Training and Support Engineers.  You can come by, bring your technical challenges or problems and we'll help you resolve them. Heck, bring your toughest problem, your laptops and your teams and we'll work together with you to solve them right there at the …

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BoF Sessions at the MySQL Conference & Expo

Lenz made a good summary of the DotOrg Pavilion exhibitors at the Expo part of the MySQL Conference & Expo ten days from now. To recap, the DotOrg Pavilion is a part of the exhibition area reserved for Open Source projects. Our attempt has been to collect the DotOrg pavilion to be a mecca for OSS enthusiasts, writers, speakers, and advocates. We are fortunate to have attracted some of the world’s most recognised free software organisations, and new up and coming projects.

A related type of reason to register for the conference are …

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PowerShell + MySql

Today, doing one small task I thought: “Why can’t I do it with PowerShell?”
So, here is a small example:


$myconnection = New-Object MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection
$myconnection.ConnectionString = "server=localhost;user id=test;password=test;database=test;pooling=false"

$mycommand = New-Object MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand
$mycommand.Connection = $myconnection
$mycommand.CommandText = "SHOW TABLES"

$myreader = $mycommand.ExecuteReader()

while($myreader.Read()){ $myreader.GetString(0) }

c:\devel\mysql\ps\MySQL.Data.dll - that is a connector

PowerShell is a quiet new thing, so I believe it could be helpfull.

Get MySQL Certified For Free

Yes, that’s right — you can get MySQL certified for no cost at all.

“How does this work?” I hear you ask.

Step 1: Attend the MySQL Conference & Expo (If you haven’t already signed up, that particular part isn’t quite “free” of course. But that just begs the question “Why haven’t you done that yet? It’s only a few days away!)

Step 2: Locate Carsten, Roland or one of the other people from the MySQL certification team there. On Tuesday, we will be outside the Magnolia room (where the exams take place) during testing hours. You can also catch people on Monday, when they are giving primer tutorials on the Cluster, …

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Keynotes at the MySQL Conference & Expo

There has been some late updates to our Keynote sessions for the Users Conference. The keynotes presentations are given Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in the morning for the entire conference audience, in the combined Ballrooms E-H. I think we have quite an exciting group of visionaries, technologists and influentials:

Tuesday morning keynotes 24 April 2007

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Introducing CMA: Certified MySQL Associate

Hot on the heels of our release of the Cluster certification comes our brand-new CMA: Certified MySQL Associate certification.

The development of the MySQL certification program has so far mainly been focused on creating very technical and specialized certifications for those with a lot of experience is using MySQL. The recent release of the Cluster certification is an example of just that: Not only is the certification very specialized, you are also expected to hold the CMDBA certification before you even start taking on the Cluster certification.

In the meantime, we have received many requests from customers, candidates and also internally to develop a more basic certification, a certification to validate that the candidate has a good foundation in basic MySQL skills …

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New 5.1 Beta available

The new 5.1.17 Beta of the MySQL Server has just hit the streets so make sure you visit the 5.1 download page and get your updated copy. Version 5.1.17 has some interesting additions, including a new DEFINER clause that many of you asked for in the 5.1 event/job scheduler, and prepared statements are now supported in the MySQL query cache, although make sure you read the 5.1 reference manual to understand the various conditions under which they work.

If you haven’t done so already, download the 5.1 technical whitepaper, which shows how to use all the great new functionality in MySQL 5.1. Also shoot …

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OurSQL Episode 12: Interview with Kaj Arno About the Google Summer of Code

Direct play this episode at:   Download all podcasts at:   Subscribe to the podcast at:     Google Summer of Code Home Page:     MySQL Summer of Code Ideas:   MySQL Summer of Code Accepted Projects:     Feedback:


call the comment line …

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I heart recordMyDesktop

So, I wanted to get some feedback before I presented my sessions at the upcoming MySQL Conference (be there, it’ll be cool). I thought… hrrm.. distributed company… I can’t just ask a couple of people to listen to me in the conference room as we don’t really have one (apart from IRC).

So… I thought.. hrrm… didn’t i see something about screencasting on the program for linux.con ? Well, the answer was yes - Screencasting HOWTO. Started watching - I then proceeded to try the list of screencasting software.

Istanbul didn’t work - I got images and audio, but only when there was a change to what was being displayed… so a static slide with me talking, didn’t …

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Showing entries 37701 to 37710 of 43775
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