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One Laptop Per Child

Another great keynote at the 2007 MySQL User Conference is Michael Evans form RedHat talking about the One Laptop Per Child project. Pretty incredible the things they are doing.

Michael makes a lot of great points, I think this video sums it up nicely:

Client asks master to start replication from impossible position

I get this question a lot. Why does a slave report that it's trying to replicate from an impossible position? 9 times out of 10 it's because the master crashed and when it came back online a new binlog file was made.

mySQL caches binlog events in the binlog cache, basically events are stored in memory and flushed to disk when the dirty buffer fills up. I believe the variable is called binlog_cache_size.

Here are some steps to recover from this:
Go onto the master execute


Look at the output and find the log that the slave is pointing to. Look at the File size field.

Next look at the slave output from the slave reporting the issue. Look at Exec_Master_Log_Pos, is that value greater then the File Size on the master if so issue

slave start;

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MySQL Conference - The next keynote with Guy Kawasaki

Without missing a beat at MySQL Conference 2007, we moved from Marten’s keynote to The Art of Innovation by Guy Kawasaki.

Extremely fun and entertaining. His 10 points.

1. Make Meaning

  • “To change the world”
  • To a VC, do not say “you want to make money”, that is understood. You will attract the wrong team.

2. Make Mantra

  • Not a Mission statement (50-60 words long), but 2 or 3 words.
    • Wendy’s - “Healthy fast food”
    • Mike - “Authentic Athletic Performance”
    • FedEx - “Peace of Mind”
    • eBay - “Democratize commerce”
  • Create a mantra — Why do you exist?

If you get stuck try the …

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MySQL Conference - PBXT Recognized

As I mentioned in MySQL Conference - Rewarding the Community, Paul McCullagh, the creator of the Community Transactional Storage Engine PBXT won the Community Code Contributor of the Year award.

A photo for Paul. Great work.

MySQL Conference - Opening Keynote with Marton Mickos

It’s an early start this morning at 8:20am at MySQL Conference 2007 with CEO Mårten Mickos keynote talk Welcome and State of MySQL AB.

Here are some of the key points that impressed on me.

“The Participatory & Disruptive spirit of the Dolphin.”.

Open Source disrupts inefficient models and produces new wealth.

Architecture of Participation.

  • GPL and FOSS licenses
  • Google

MySQL Architecture of Participation
You have the forge, the planet, community contributer program and many more.

Production of Amateurs

  • You Tube
  • Second Life
  • Wikipedia

Some really great Quotes:

“Fail often to …

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MySQL Conference - Rewarding the Community

At MySQL Conference 2007, CEO Mårten Mickos in his opening keynote Welcome and State of MySQL AB rewarded the community. Those that contributed to “The best database in the world”.

2007 MySQL Applications of the Year
#1 in Online Video
#1 in 3G Mobile Entertainment
#1 in Creative Software

And the Winners- YouTube, Amp’d mobile, and Adobe

2007 MySQL Partners of the Year
#1 reseller of MySQL Enterprise to govt
#1 in MySQL Enterprise integration
#1 in Open Source

And the Winners - Carasoft, HP, and RedHat

2007 Community Members of the Year
Quality Contributor
Community Code Contributor
Community Advocate

And the Winners

Martin Freibe
Paul …

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MySQL Community Awards 2007

Mårten Mickos, MySQL’s CEO, has just handed out the 2007 MySQL Community Awards. Given the growth of the Community last year, we had a number of very good contributors that we would really have wished to honour. This time, our choice fell upon these three community members, to which we stand greatly indebted:

Quality Contributor of the Year: Martin Friebe

“This awards recognizes an individual who has displayed remarkable efforts to not just find and isolate bugs in MySQL, but to provide good test cases and several times actually fix the bug and send us a patch. This individual scores the highest number of points in our Quality Contributor Program officially launched in January.”

Community Code Contributor of the Year: Paul McCullagh, author of the PBXT Storage Engine

“In recognition of outstanding efforts in contributing code and knowledge to the MySQL Community, this award is given to …

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MySQL 6.0

If you were quick you may have noticed at the MySQL Conference 2007 keynote Welcome and State of MySQL AB talk this morning, Robin Schumacher in his quick demo of MySQL Monitoring & Advisory Service showed the MySQL Network Enterprise Dashboard, you would have noticed the MySQL Version 6.0.0-alpha-pb518.log

Did anybody else spot it?

Opening Keynote at MySQL Conf

It’s an early start this morning at 8:20am at MySQL Conference 2007 with CEO Mårten Mickos keynote talk Welcome and State of MySQL AB.

His spirit is evident with his opening slide “The Participatory & Disruptive spirit of the Dolphin.”. Stay tuned for more, it’s going to be a big day today.

Guy Kawasaki: The Art of Innovation

Listening to Guy Kawasaki speaking on the Art of Innovation at the 2007 MySQL Conference. Guy worked for Steve Jobs as the Macintosh software evangelist from 84 to 87 (in the Macintosh division) trying to help people build software. Apple II was making all of the money and Mac spending it all.

Guy is now a VC, trying to find folks running great companies in their garage.

Top 10 format for being innovative:

  1. Make meaning. The greatest motivator. Steve Wozniak was motivated by the desire to change the world. Do not tell VCs you want to "make money." You attract the wrong kind of people. [cool Nike ad about woman and how she is measured]
  2. Make a mantra (not a mission statement). A mission statement is made at a fancy …
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