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Code modification: the open source database straw man

It is interesting to read RedmondDeveloper News’s take on Oracle’s attitude to open source this morning, especially this paragraph quoting Monica Kumar, Oracle’s senior director for Linux and open source product marketing:

“”We haven’t seen our customers asking for open source databases,” she told me. “Not many customers are interested in looking into the code and mucking around with it, and making changes to it. All they care about is ‘give me the best support, give me the lowest price of entry’.” For that Kumar pointed to Oracle Express.”

It is difficult to disagree with the second part of Monica’s statement. Cost savings are routinely cited as the biggest driver for open source database adoption, while the lack of robust support is the biggest barrier to open source adoption.

Certainly these were the findings of our …

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SQL is in Fact a Programming Language

While I was updating my blog recently, I read the top part of it which said "My adventures in database developing". I realized that I have really neglected database developing with all my research into other programming languages.
So I was trying to play around with SQL statements to brush up on my skills.

Luckily (or unluckily), someone at my work, a java developer, needed to do a data export and thought that I can do it in 1 SQL line. He said.... and I quote "You only need 1 SQL line. Whats the problem?".
Whenever I hear the "whats the problem" line, there usually is one.
So, with him having great confidence in my SQL-ing ability or a complete misunderstanding of database developing, I was forced to do the data export.

I realized early on that it would take a long time. Just to start off, I needed like 20+ columns, but each column was a row somewhere in 4 different tables.

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Sun Tech Days St. Petersburg

I'm now at Sun Tech Days St Petersburg. MySQL got involved in it on a very short notice so there are no MySQL sessions or tutorials, and we only have a small booth. It's decently manned though, there are six MySQLers here in total and we have no less than three people on the booth at nearly all times.

We organized some ad hoc sessions, so far, Alexey (aka Kaamos)'s talk about MySQL and dtrace attracted the most listeners, and Kostja was the second with his talk about new MySQL 5.1 features.

We get lots of questions on wide range …

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I am one of the 10 jury members for the first international Hackontest. Basically this is a 24 hour open source coding competition that takes place on September 24/25 here in Zurich. However in order to make it to the competition a first hurdle is to get "past" the jury, which includes Jeremy Alison and Bruce Perens, who get to select the top 3 most promising teams on August 1st. So if you think you got what it takes, head on over to the Hackontest site and register your team! All my favorite OSS projects (PHP, MySQL and PostgreSQL) have not registered teams yet.

Aside from being a general all around cool thing for open source and a fun challenge for the teams that make it to the competition, this is also pretty exciting for me personally of course, since the jury holds many people that I would also …

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mysql I/O performance analysis with iostat

Here is a situation I’ve run into a few times when dealing with mysql databases. We’re trying to run a one-off query against a high-traffic, large table and the WHERE condition is against a non-indexed field. Let’s say our table is 5GB in size. We issue the following:

SELECT count(*) from five_gb_myisam_table WHERE non_idx_field = 'asdf';

and we wait…

and wait some more.

5GB is not a small table, but this ideally should not take more than a few minutes on a relatively modern system.

iostat is your friend

In cases like this, iostat -x 5 is your friend. While the query was running, this was a typical 5 second interval:

avg-cpu: %user %nice %sys %iowait %idle
2.30 0.00 1.30 96.40 0.00

Device: rrqm/s wrqm/s r/s w/s rsec/s wsec/s rkB/s wkB/s avgrq-sz avgqu-sz await svctm %util
sda 0.00 0.70 …

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MySQL Proxy Recipes - Debugging messages on demand

MySQL Proxy, in addition to dealing with the packets sent between client and server, can optionally send text messages to the terminal window where it was launched. These messages, using the built-in function print(), can be very useful when you develop an application, because can give you information on what is going on. However, when the script is well tuned, all these messages can be distracting and even annoying.
OTOH, if you plan to extend the development of the script, leaving the telling messages in place can be very useful. One handy solution is to include conditional print messages, controlled by an environment variable.

  1. Change all occurrences of print to print_debug;
  2. Create a function print_debug that will print the message depending on the value of a local variable DEBUG;
  3. At the start of the script, initialize the DEBUG variable from the …
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Subtle mysqlhotcopy bug fix finally accepted!

I’m happy to report that my patch for a potentially nasty bug in the mysqlhotcopy script has been accepted into the mysql codebase. It’s a great feeling to finally contribute something, however small, back to the mysql community.

If you have a master/slave environment with multiple slaves, and you do periodic backups of your system on the slave with mysqlhotcopy, the –record_log_pos parameter will pull the wrong co-ordinates from the master and cause you to restore new copies of your database that are potentially corrupt.
An example failure scenario can be found here.

How To Add A File Extension To vim Syntax Highlighting

Today I was asked a question about defining custom extensions for vim syntax highlighting such that, for example, vim would know that example.lmx is actually of type xml and apply xml syntax highlighting to it. I know vim already automatically does it not just based on extension but by looking for certain strings inside the text, like <?xml but what if my file doesn't have such strings?

After digging around I found the solution. Add the following to ~/.vimrc (the vim configuration file):

syntax on
filetype on
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.lmx set filetype=xml

After applying it, my .lmx file is highlighted:

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Stored Function to generate Sequences

Today a customer asked me to help them to convert their sequence generation process to the stored procedure and even though I have already seen it somewhere I did not find it with two minutes of googling so I wrote a simple one myself and posting it here for public benefit or my later use


  1. delimiter //
  2. CREATE FUNCTION seq(seq_name char (20)) returns int
  3. begin
  4.  UPDATE seq SET val=last_insert_id(val+1) WHERE name=seq_name;
  5.  RETURN last_insert_id();
  6. end
  7. //
  8. delimiter ;
  10. CREATE TABLE `seq` (
  11.   `name` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
  12.   `val` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
  13.   PRIMARY KEY  (`name`)
  16. INSERT INTO seq VALUES('one',100);
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Finding optimization opportunities in MySQL by looking at callstacks

Using callstacks to look at code is very useful. If you are not familiar with callstacks, I suggest you read my earlier blog about it. I was trying to understand the mysql code path using sysbench as the test and found something interesting. An image of the callstack is shown below. The SVG version, with much more information, is also available . The width of the block is proportional to the time it took for the function, and the height is the level (or depth) of the stack.

Mysql uses mysql_execute_command() to execute queries. Looking at the callstack you can see very clearly that mysql_execute_command() calls open_and_lock_tables which then tries to open tables via open_table(). The code path gets interesting here. As you can see in the image …

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