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Displaying posts with tag: MySQL-Articles (reset)
How to Add Remote MySQL Server to Nagios Monitoring

We already have seen two articles for setting up MySQL Monitoring with Nagios and Percona Monitoring Tools for Nagios. Those posts covers configuration of nagios on single instance. Though following…

The post How to Add Remote MySQL Server to Nagios Monitoring first appeared on Change Is Inevitable.

MySQL Permission denied error 13 and solution

MySQL ERROR 1018 (HY000): Can't read dir of './sakila/' (errno: 13 - Permission denied) caused due to moving database to a different partition and using softlink on CentOS and it's fix for SELinux.

The post MySQL Permission denied error 13 and solution first appeared on Change Is Inevitable.

How to monitor MySQL backups

It’s important to monitor the (database) backups after you set-it-up. In this post we will answer a few how to monitor MySQL Database backups solutions – monitoring methods. We should…

The post How to monitor MySQL backups first appeared on Change Is Inevitable.

Install Percona Monitoring Tools for Nagios – MySQL Plugins

Recently a friend asked about Installing Percona Monitoring Tools for Nagios as he was facing a few issues. I managed to set-it-up on my ubuntu VM. Sharing the the work-log…

The post Install Percona Monitoring Tools for Nagios – MySQL Plugins first appeared on Change Is Inevitable.

UMASK & UMASK_DIR – changing default MySQL file dir permissions

UMASK and UMASK_DIR are amongst few MySQL Environment variables which defines directory and file creation modes (file permissions). In this post we will understand using UMASK & UMASK_DIR for changing the database directory and file permissions from it's default to what we need.

The post UMASK & UMASK_DIR – changing default MySQL file dir permissions first appeared on Change Is Inevitable.

Setup and configure MySQL backup using Holland and Xtrabackup

Setting up a database backup is a primary task for database administrators and we see perl and shell scripts wrapped around few of the backup-tools in practice. With right tools…

The post Setup and configure MySQL backup using Holland and Xtrabackup first appeared on Change Is Inevitable.

How-to extract from mysqldump | mysql-dump-splitter recipes

This post will answer how to extract database, tables etc from mysqldumpsplitter utility.

The post How-to extract from mysqldump | mysql-dump-splitter recipes first appeared on Change Is Inevitable.

How to fix definer does not exist error 1449 MySQL

Explaining and providing solutions of MySQL error 1449: The user specified as a definer does not exist using SQL SECURITY INVOKER and DEFINER.

The post How to fix definer does not exist error 1449 MySQL first appeared on Change Is Inevitable.

How to Restore / point in time recovery using binary logs MySQL

In this post I will share a recovery scenario of a MySQL database restore from the binary logs. This post is also a good example of how we can achieve…

The post How to Restore / point in time recovery using binary logs MySQL first appeared on Change Is Inevitable.

MySQL grant syntax & dynamic database using wildcards

The MySQL grant syntax allows you to specify dynamic database names using the wildcard characters. This article explains the usecase of dynamic section of mysql grants.

The post MySQL grant syntax & dynamic database using wildcards first appeared on Change Is Inevitable.

Showing entries 31 to 40 of 62
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