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Displaying posts with tag: Log Buffer (reset)
Log Buffer #508: A Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs

This Log Buffer Edition covers Oracle, SQL Server and MySQL.


Compiling views: When the FORCE Fails You

Goldengate 12c Troubleshooting XAGENABLE

A performance Deep Dive into Tablespace Encryption

EBS Release 12 Certified with Safari 10 and MacOS Sierra 10.12

Oracle Database 12c ( on VirtualBox

SQL Server:

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Log Buffer #507: A Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs

This Log Buffer edition covers Oracle, SQL Server and MySQL blog posts with a touch of Cloud.


Provisioning EBS on Oracle Cloud: Latest Enhancements

ORA-54002 when trying to create Virtual Column using REGEXP_REPLACE on Oracle 12cR2

Business rules, common sense and query performance

Problem with V$RECOVERY_AREA_USAGE view and FRA space not being reclaimed

Updated …

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Log Buffer #505: A Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs

This Log Buffer Edition searches through various blogs of Oracle, SQL Server and MySQL and picks a few contemporary ones.


Comma separated search and search with check-boxes in Oracle APEX

Once you have defined your users for your Express Cloud Service, all users with the role of Database Developer or higher can access the database Service Console.

Big Data Lite 4.7.0 is now available on OTN!

Install and configure Oracle HTTP Server Standalone

Can I …

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Log Buffer #504: A Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs

This edition of Log Buffer covers Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and MySQL.


Data Pump or Data Pain Part02 – tablespace/user

Monday Spotlight: It’s About Security – Oracle Exadata SL6 copy

OGG Custom Adapters: How to include a unique identifier for …

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Log Buffer #482: A Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs

This Week’s log buffer edition covers some of the useful blog posts from Oracle, SQL Server and MySQL.


ASM disks – lsdg compared with the v$asm_diskgroup view

Can a query on the standby update the primary ?

What should I know about SQL?

Setting Environment Variables in Application Server/Process Scheduler Tuxedo Domains

Oracle …

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Log Buffer #475: A Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs

This Log Buffer Edition goes through various blogs, and selects some of the top posts from Oracle, SQL Server and MySQL.


MOS Note:136697.1 – New HCHECK.SQL for Oracle Database 12c

ORAchk / EXAchk questions.

Cloud control won’t start!

ASMLib is an optional utility that can be used on Linux systems to manage Oracle ASM devices.

ORA-56841: Master Diskmon cannot connect to a …

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Log Buffer #473: A Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs

This Log Buffer Edition covers some of the hottest blog posts of Oracle, SQL Server and MySQL for the previous week.


A recent post on the OTN database forum reminded Jonathan how easy it is to forget to keep repeating a piece of information after the first couple of hundred times you’ve explained it. No matter how “intuitively obvious” it is for one person, it’s new to someone else.

The OMS Patcher is a newer patching mechanism for the OMS specifically.

A SQLT report has all kinds of pertinent information including—to name …

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Log Buffer #472: A Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs

This Log Buffer Edition takes into account blog posts from Oracle, SQL Server and MySQL.


Enterprise Manager Support Files 101- The EMOMS files

From time to time we see a complaint on OTN about the stats history tables being the largest objects in the SYSAUX tablespace and growing very quickly.

Delphix replication and push button cloud migration

PS360: A Utility to Extract and Present PeopleSoft Configuration and Performance Data

Contemplating Upgrading to …

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Log Buffer #471: A Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs

This Log Buffer Edition covers Oracle, SQL Server and MySQL blog posts of the week.


Improving PL/SQL performance in APEX

A utility to extract and present PeopleSoft Configuration and Performance Data

No, Oracle security vulnerabilities didn’t just get a whole lot worse this quarter.  Instead, Oracle updated the scoring metric used in the Critical Patch Updates (CPU) from CVSS v2 to CVSS v3.0 for the April 2016 CPU.  The Common Vulnerability Score System (CVSS) is a generally accepted method for scoring and rating security …

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Log Buffer #470: A Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs

This Log Buffer Edition rounds up blog posts from Oracle, SQL Server and MySQL.


jq is a unix utility that can parse json files and pull out individual elements – think of it as sed/awk for json files.

Some thoughts about analyzing performance problems.

Microsites: Add a Map Component and Publish your Microsite

New Installation Cookbook: Oracle Linux 6.7 with Oracle RAC

Are you worried about what to do now that …

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Showing entries 21 to 30 of 448
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