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Displaying posts with tag: community team (reset)
See you at Northeast Gnu/Linuxfest & OpenDB Camp in Cambridge, MA

I will be speaking Sunday morning at the Northeast Gnu/Linuxfest in Cambridge, MA. And this year the OpenDB Camp is being held in conjunction. Plus it is a chance to meet those in the MySQL Marinate virtual class.

North Texas MySQL Users Group Meeting April 2nd

Come early to have pizza and network and then see a presentation and demo of the new features in MySQL 5.6.

RSVP to make sure we get a large enough room and sufficient pizza.

Pizza at 5:30 p.m.
Presentation begins at 6:00 p.m.

Oracle Corporation
6031 Connection Drive
Suite 900
Las Colinas, TX 75039

MySQL at SCaLE 11x

SCaLE 11x’s MySQL track featured standing room only crowds on subjects from Beginning SQL, Indexes, HA, Credit Card Storage for PCI compliance, 5.6 new features, and how to solve Rubik cube-like puzzles with MySQL. Saturday and Sunday, we are Booth 71 and we are sharing the booth with the Los Angeles MySQL Users group. Come see MySQL 5.6 and workbench, get registered for the Virtual Developer Day, or just to say ‘hi’.

SCaLE 11x MySQL Community Day

SCaLE 11xand the MySQL community are excited to bring you a full day track covering MySQL content. This event will be held February 22, 2013 at the LAX Hilton.

MySQL Community Events and Upcoming Shows

MySQL Users Group, please let us know you schedule so we can help promote your events. And if you are interested in starting a MySQL — let us know as we can help.

The MySQL Community Team wants to make sure you do not miss out on upcoming shows.

Fosdem is this coming weekend and there will be a MySQL and Friends devroom. This show in Brussels features presentations from Lars Thalmann, Sveta Smirnova, Luis Soares, Giuseppe Maxia, Øystein Grøvlen, and many more.

MySQL is a sponsor of the SunShine PHP and Ligaya Trumelle will be presenting on MySQL.

The Rocky Mountian orage Users Group will hold their training days February 11th through the 13th with a very interesting …

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2013 starts for the MySQL Community Team

Lenka and I are at Oracle HQ for the Oracle Leadership Summit. This event is the start of the calendar year for us and brings the leaders of Oracle user groups together to share information. From around the world, leaders of IOUG, OHUG, and other groups to share ideas. The concept used by the Boston MySQL User Group with MySQL Marinate has caught the attention of quite a few folks. The vast majority of IOUG folks also run MySQL in their data centers and they are interested in seeing local MySQL Groups flourish.

So if you are interested in starting a new MySQL Users Group, let me or Lenka know AND contact your local IOUG chapter. We can aid you in getting meeting space in an Oracle office and your local IOUG chapter can help with other organizational issues when startinga group.

And be sure to say ‘hi’ at the Rocky Mountain Oracle Users Group Training …

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Present a Talk at a Conference on MySQL as FOSDEM, SCaLE or SunshinePHP

Keith Larson & myself (and now Lenka Kasparova) have been the MySQL Community Team for the past few years and we have traveled to a great many conferences and spoken many hours on MySQL. But we need your help. There are conferences all over that we can not attend or in many cases we are speaking but would like others to speak too! And many conferences are in a big need for speakers such as yourself.

Three upcoming shows are excellent opportunities and are actively seeing you as a presenter.

  • FOSDEM is February 2nd and 3rd in Brussels, Belgium. There will be a special MySQL dev room and the call for papers ends on December 21st.
  • There is a new PHP conference in Florida! …
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A new member of the MySQL Community Team

Please help me welcome a new member of the MySQL Community Team. Lenka Kasparova is based in Prague and joined Oracle with Sun acquisition in 2009-2010. She was the Project Manager for R&D on FP7 grant project AEGIS where she was responsible for the financial/administrative aspects as well as day to day project management activities. At Sun Lenka was part of the NetBeans acquisition and went through several positions from administrative, HR, and Project Management area… “Both Sun and Oracle gave me a great opportunity to learn a lot of things which I am happy to use in my new position.”

So please look for Lenka at next MySQL Community Team event near you!

Silicon Valley Code Camp & Kuali Days

I will be speaking on Saturday, October 6th at the Silicon Valley Code Camp on MySQL Replication and The Proper Care and Feeding of a MySQL Database for Linux Administrators. And then a few days later it is down to Austin for Kuali Days. Please be sure to say ‘hi’ is you are attending either event.

Community BOF at MySQL Connect

I will be hosting a Birds of a Feather Session at MySQL Connect on Saturday, Sep 29, 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM – Hilton San Francisco – Golden Gate 8. This is an open discussion with you about what you would like to see from the MySQL Community Team, MySQL, and Oracle in the future. After it concludes, we can hit the Community Reception.

The original description of the Community BOF as provided to the Content Committee.

Come meet with the MySQL Community Team for a discussion about MySQL and the MySQL Community. This is an open session, so you can make suggestions, ask the questions you are having trouble getting answered, provide feedback, network, and help direct where the future of the MySQL Community will go. You will be able to interact with the Community Team on everything from contributions to downloads. How can we best support …

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