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Displaying posts with tag: spatial (reset)
Spatial Reference Systems in MySQL 8.0

MySQL 8.0 brings a lot of new spatial features. The main feature is the support for multiple spatial reference systems (SRSs).

Spatial reference systems is not a new concept in MySQL, but 8.0 is the first version where it affects computations, and it’s the first version where users actually have to think about it.…

Re: JSON document fast lookup with MySQL 5.7

This is a response to the JSON document fast lookup with MySQL 5.7 article by Frederic Descamp.

It is very easy to also use MySQL Workbench and the new GeoJSON support to actually show the features.

My query:
SELECT ST_GeomFromGeoJSON(feature->"$.geometry",2) AS feature 
FROM test_features WHERE street='BEACH' ;

The result:

Today is the day in which MyISAM is no longer needed

Of course, this is just a catchy title. As far as I know not all system tables can be converted to InnoDB yet (e.g. grant tables), which makes the header technically false. MyISAM is a very simple engine, and that has some inherent advantages (no transactional overhead, easier to “edit” manually, usually less space footprint on disk), but also some very ugly disadvantages: not crash safe, no foreign keys, only full-table locks, consistency problems, bugs in for large tables,… The 5.7.5 “Milestone 15” release, presented today at the Oracle Open World has an impressive list of changes, which I will need some time to digest, like an in-development ( …

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Making Use of Boost Geometry in MySQL GIS

This post talks about how we make use of Boost.Geometry in MySQL to implement reliable and efficient GIS functionality, as well as changes to the GIS features in the lab release. Now that InnoDB is the default storage engine for MySQL, our user base is rapidly transitioning to InnoDB. One capability that they have been demanding is a performant and scalable GIS implementation. Along with adding R-tree index support to InnoDB, we also decided to replace the original GIS algorithms with a more powerful, reliable, effective and efficient geometric engine.

MySql Connector/NET 6.7.4 GA has been released

MySQL Connector/Net 6.7.4, a new version of the all-managed .NET driver for MySQL has been released.  This is the GA, is feature complete. It is recommended for production environments.  It is appropriate for use with MySQL server versions 5.0-5.7.

New features include WinRT Connector, Load Balancing support, Entity Framework 5 and Memcached. 

MySql Connector/NET 6.7.3 Beta 2 has been released

MySQL Connector/Net 6.7.3, a new version of the all-managed .NET driver for MySQL has been released.  This is the second beta release intended to introduce users to the new features in the release. This release is feature complete, it should be stable enough for users to understand the new features and how we expect them to work. As is the case with all non-GA releases, it should not be used in any production environment. It is appropriate for use with MySQL server versions 5.0-5.7.

MySQL Connector/Net 6.7.2 Beta has been released

MySQL Connector/Net 6.7.2, a new version of the all-managed .NET driver for MySQL has been released.  This is the first beta release intended to introduce users to the new features in the release.  This release is feature complete, it should be stable enough for users to understand the new features and how we expect them to work.  As is the case with all non-GA releases, it should not be used in any production environment.  It is appropriate for use with MySQL server versions 5.0-5.7.

How To: Storing and retrieving spatial data on MySQL server with Connector/Net

Spatial data is being more used and needed at a larger number of applications. This type of data is not always easy to be managed or queried. And sometimes calculations need to be done in the application code instead of doing them at the server. Recently we added a new class to manage spatial data with Connector/Net, so our users can have the option to handle spatial data operations at their application code.

MySQL Connector/Net 6.7.1 Alpha 2 has been released

MySQL Connector/Net 6.7.1, a new version of the all-managed .NET driver for MySQL has been released.  This is the second of two alpha releases intended to introduce users to the new features in the release.  This release is not feature complete and there are significant limitations but it should be stable enough for users to understand the new features and how we expect them to work.  As is the case with all non-GA releases, it should not be used in any production environment.  It is appropriate for use with MySQL server versions 5.0-5.6

MySQL Connector/Net 6.7.0 Alpha has been released

MySQL Connector/Net 6.7.0, a new version of the all-managed .NET driver for MySQL has been released.  This is the first of two alpha releases intended to introduce users to the new features in the release.  This release is not feature complete and there are significant limitations but it should be stable enough for users to understand the new features and how we expect them to work.  As is the case with all non-GA releases, it should not be used in any production environment.  It is appropriate for use with MySQL server versions 5.0-5.6

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