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Displaying posts with tag: Tools/ dbSTRESS (reset)
MySQL Performance: Current performance levels of 5.4, XtraDB-8 and Innodb-1.0.4 @dbSTRESS

This is a short post just to make a point on the current performance level of available InnoDB engine implementations. I've made the current testing not in the goal to isolate performance issues, but to see how well the code works now when it meets the business constrain to flush on every transaction!..

The problem is that I've tested recently Oracle 10g with dbSTRESS during several customer's demands and was curious how well MySQL competes now with Oracle :-)) Due Oracle license restrictions I cannot present any Oracle results here (sorry folks, I still need my job :-)) But I've put MySQL into the similar conditions and was curious to see what is the current performance level we may expect on the same platform..

Until now I've always used "innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 2" setting as I expected to isolate internal bottlenecks rather my storage array - but now it'll be "innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 1". Bin log is not used …

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Performance Trainings & Conferences in Kiev

Last week I've participated in several Performance Conferences and Trainings in Kiev. Events mainly were dedicated to the latest improvements within MySQL performance, as well Solaris and Oracle tuning / performance analyzing and best practices. The week was very hot :-) but I've enjoyed every day discussing with creative and smart people! People hungry on knowledge and ready to stay 2 hours more overnight outpassing all allowed timing - it was a real pleasure to share all I know! :-))

So, I'd like to thank all participants! As well Sun@Kiev and i-Klass teams who organized and prepared all these events! I may only wish to see such events more and more often, and don't forget to invite me again! :-))

NOTE : similar conference about MySQL performance improvement will be organized soon in Paris - so if you're …

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MySQL Performance: I/O Optimization & InnoDB

After my previous post about InnoDB Doublewrite Buffer impact I've received several feedbacks where people are claiming to see an important performance degradation when they enabling doublewrite... Discussing with them about their wokloads I've tried to reproduce a similar activity with dbSTRESS tool. And finally I was happy (or unhappy - all depends on the side :-))

  • Happy because I was able to reproduce the problem :-)
  • And unhappy because I've got 30% performance degradation by activating doublewrite buffer!

And now I'll tell you a story how to fix it :-))

Sorry, it'll be little bit long (but it was hard to make it shorter :-))
First of all let's get a look on the I/O activity and possible solutions to make it running more optimally...

I/O Requests
Generally we may …

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MySQL Performance: InnoDB Doublewrite Buffer Impact

Recently Mark Callaghan(who I trust a lot) published on his facebook blog a post about a Doublewrite Buffer impact . And Sarah Sproehnle (who I trust a lot too :-)) commented it by saying:

..the doublewrite buffer is actually a benefit. Beyond guaranteeing that pages are recoverable, it also reduces the required fsyncs. Without it, each page that is written to the tablespace would need to be fsync'ed. With doublewrite enabled, a chunk of pages is written to the doublewrite buffer then 1 fsync is called, then pages are written to the tablespace and then 1 fsync...

While I'm completely agree with Mark that we absolutely need a recovery …

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MySQL Performance: Final fix for Ahead Flushing & Purge Lag

The goal of this post is to tell you a final story about performance study looking to fix the Ahead FLushing and Purge Lag issues.. (I've tried to make it short, but if you feel you'll need more details or just have some more time for reading - go directly to the full report:  :-))

Before to tell you the story about the final solution, let me show you again the TPS level graph obtained during my last tests:


The read+write workload is executed during one hour non-stop on 4 engines (one by one):

  • MySQL 5.4
  • InnoDB plugin-1.0.4
  • MySQL 5.Perf build #45
  • XtraDB-6

As you may see from graph, all engines are getting a periodic performance …

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MySQL Performance: InnoDB plugin-1.0.4 & others @dbSTRESS

This post is an update of my previous one about XtraDB-6 performance - as InnoDB plugin-1.0.4 announce came the same day I did not have yet any benchmark results on that time :-)

To be short, the new InnoDB plugin looks very positive and have several very valuable improvement (and of course we expected to see them much more earlier, no? ;-) on the same time analyzing all latest updates - probably it's the first sign that things will go much more faster in the near future? ;-)

Anyway, what I liked with this release:

  • group commit is back! (and we should thank a lot Percona team for their efforts to get it fixed! ;-)
  • configurable number of I/O threads and I/O capacity (aligned now with XtraDB, Google patched and MySQL 5.4)
  • adaptive flushing (idea is similar to Percona's Adaptive Checkpoint, but more …
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MySQL Performance: XtraDB-6 & others @dbSTRESS

I'm happy to present you my first benchmark results with XtraDB-6 on dbSTRESS. Percona team made a huge work preparing this release and there are really a lot of improvements regarding performance as well general usage (for more details about XtraDB-6 see the full announce  from Percona site).

But my main interest is around performance (sorry :-)), and I was curious how well now XtraDB-6 resists to the stress workload. New release also integrating the "timed based" concurrency model introduced within MySQL 5.4 - missing this feature was negatively impacted XtraDB in previous tests. But now we may expect it runs at least as fast as MySQL 5.4! Let's see...

Tested versions

  • MySQL 5.4.0
  • MySQL 5.Perf (build #45)
  • XtraDB-6
  • XtraDB-6-tc (configured with "timed …
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MySQL Performance: Why Ahead Flushing for InnoDB?...

Recently I've done several performance studies to find the most optimal way to fix the "furious flushing" observed during all my benchmarks with InnoDB. The initial report about this work you may find here including initially proposed patches. But analyzing test workloads with the latest MySQL performance build I think there is a need to go more far...

First of all let's me present you the result I've got on the Read+Write workload @dbSTRESS - first part of graph represents the TPS level obtained with MySQL 5.4, and the second part - with the latest MySQL performance build (#46):

This Read+Write workload is running non-stop during one hour within the same conditions in both cases:

  • 16 CPU cores
  • 32 concurrent user sessions
  • innodb_thread_concurrency=16
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MySQL Performance: Once again about InnoDB thread concurrency...

Even this topic was covered several times already, the question is still open - use or not to use InnoDB thread concurrency?.. And the only true answer here - "It depends" :-) and I'll try to make a short summary about the current state here.

The main current InnoDB bottlenecks are all mostly due to a high contention on internal locks. As all multi-threaded (as well multi-process) applications giving a concurrent access to its resources, InnoDB have to guarantee there is only one thread may modify a given resource on the same time. This guarantee is achieved by locking a resource in exclusive mode and implemented with mutexes. Depending on implementation, some locks may become very hot with a growing access concurrency. And it's exactly what's happening with InnoDB...

Things where improved a lot with Google patches and continuing with MySQL 5.4 version. But even if several lock bottlenecks were successfully removed, the lock …

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MySQL Performance: 5.4 and new Performance builds

Recently new performance builds were made by our MySQL Team, and it seems to me reaching now a new milestone with the build #45 - within this single build Mikael joined several previously tested performance builds showed a positive performance improvement. So, how well it's comparing now to the default 5.4 ?..

Here are my results obtained on M5000 (quad-cores)/ Solaris10 update7 and db_STRESS.

Solaris 10 update7

Special note about update7: I was pleasantly surprised the kernel locks issue was gone! CPU Spinlocks within a similar workload are devided by 4(!) - very positive improvement, and seems the things will be even better with update8!

Read-Only Workload

For my big surprise there was no difference (or very few) between …

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