In this post, I’m going to briefly cover the signs that you’re doing multi-tenancy wrong. Some of these practices are entrenched in software: there are gems in Ruby on Rails, for instance, use the first anti-pattern to achieve multi-tenancy. Listen, you can drive a car with a flat tire and you can eat yogurt with a fork. People have made these solutions work, but there’s a better way.
Creating tables or schemas per customer
If you find yourself running DDL (Create Table…) for each new company or user that you add to your system, most likely you’re committing a pretty big anti-pattern. Now every time you update the table definition or need to update data across all tables, you’ll have to use a script to generate the SQL for you. Those updates will take longer and it’s much more prone to failure.
If you’re doing this for performance reasons, you have two options in most database systems to …
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