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Displaying posts with tag: active-active (reset)
Eventual consistency with transactions

In my last post I described the motivation for the new NDB$EPOCH conflict detection function in MySQL Cluster. This function detects when a row has been concurrently updated on two asynchronously replicating MySQL Cluster databases, and takes steps to keep the databases in alignment.

With NDB$EPOCH, conflicts are detected and handled on a row granularity, as opposed to column granularity, as this is the granularity of the epoch metadata used to detect conflicts. Dealing with conflicts on a …

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Eventual consistency with MySQL

tl;dr : New 'automatic' optimistic conflict detection functions available giving the best of both optimistic and pessimistic replication on the same data
MySQL replication supports a number of topologies, and one of the most interesting is an active-active, or master-master topology, where two or more Servers accept read and write traffic, with asynchronous replication between them.

This topology has a number of attractions, including :

  • Potentially higher availability
  • Potentially low impact on read/write latency
  • Service availability insensitive to replication failures
  • Conceptually simple

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