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Displaying posts with tag: mysql gui (reset)
SQLyog MySQL GUI 13.0 Released

Important notice: with this release we have changed registration keys. Please have your new key available when upgrading. As usual registered users will get it from our Customer Portal.

This new release of SQLyog has a lot of internal changes: our Visual Studio build environment was upgraded from the old 2010 version, we used before – what required a lot of code changes, actually – and also OpenSSL and SQLite libraries were upgraded for improved security and performance. Additionally we have added features and fixed bugs with this release.

Also note that the upgrade of Visual Studio means that Windows older than Vista (ie. WinXP/2003) and Wine older than version 2.0 are not supported any more.

Changes as compared to MySQL GUI 12.5.1 include:


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Manage Your MySQL Databases With SQLyog

SQLyog is a professional-grade GUI tool for the MySQL RDBMS. SQLyog is available for the Windows operating system starting from Windows XP/Windows 2003 to Windows 8/Server 2008 R2. It will also work under Linux, Unix and Mac OS X using the Wine environment. Moreover, a subset of SQLyog Enterprise/Ultimate functionalities are available with the free SQLyog Job Agent (SJA) for Linux as a native Linux utility. This makes it possible to specify and test ‘scheduled jobs’ on a Windows environment and port execution parameters seamlessly to a Linux environment.

Why Use a Database Administration Tool

Database administration tools provide a GUI/Web interface to automate database tasks like querying tables, find and replace operations, and any other task that you might want to run on a database. With respect to MySQL, it offers the free MySQL Workbench. Although it’s far more …

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SQLyog MySQL GUI 12.4.2 Released

This maintenance release of SQLyog, MySQL GUI introduces a new feature – REGEX search in Object Browser – and adds a few bug fixes.

Changes as compared to MySQL GUI 12.4.1 include:

Important notice:

* The tunneler file for HTTP-tunnel has been updated with this release and must be replaced on the server.  Earlier HTTP-tunnel required PCRE-support in the server-side PHP-environment. Now it does not.


* Search function in Object Browser now supports regular expressions.

Bug Fixes:

* Fixed a rare connection failure using SSH-tunnel to specific BSD systems.
* Removed unnecessary virtual column check for older servers with no support for this.
* Fixed a crash when a …

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SQLyog MySQL GUI 12.4.1 released

This maintenance release introduces a long requested feature – HEX-dumping of binary data – and adds a number of non-critical bug fixes.

Changes as compared to MySQL GUI 12.4 include:


* Added an option to HEX-dump binary data in Export as SQL and in Scheduled Backup.
* In read-only mode FLUSH-statements can now be executed from the GUI as well as editor, except for ‘FLUSH TABLE WITH READ LOCK’ (as we don’t allow acquiring explicit LOCKS in read-only mode).

Bug Fixes:

* On enabling HTTP, SSL or SSH checkbox in the connection manager, the checkbox wasn’t redrawn automatically. The checkbox were re-drawn only on hovering over them or switching to another tab in the connection window
* In Table Diagnostics, clicking on Analyse executed same query …

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Adding option for ‘read-only’ connections in SQLyog MySQL GUI 12.4

This release introduces a new major feature – ‘read-only’ connections – as well as Kerberos authentication support and a few bug fixes.

Changes as compared to MySQL GUI 12.3.3 include:


* Added an option for defining a connection as ‘read-only’.  There is a checkbox in the connection settings and when checked the title bar will inform user about the ‘read-only’ state. In ‘read-only’ state statements that write cannot be executed. For more details please see note at the bottom.
* Added support for the MariaDB auth_gssapi (Kerberos) plugin. This plugin is available with the latest 3.0 (alpha) Connector/C from MariaDB. But there seems to  be a huge popular demand for this already, and we have backported it to the 2.3 connector version we use in SQLyog.  Note that support …

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SQLyog MySQL GUI 12.3.3 Released

This is a bug-fix release.  Please refer details below.

Changes as compared to SQLyog MySQL GUI 12.3.2 include:

Bug Fixes:

* Fixed an issue where Import External Data -jobs failed to authenticate SMTP.
* The sja.log would record syntax errors on recent servers if  Scheduled Backup was running with ‘Flush Master’ option. The generated backup file was OK. ‘Flush Master’ was deprecated in MySQL 5.6 and replaced with ‘Reset Master’. We now use ‘Reset Master’ with such servers.
* In email settings of Import External Data wizard it was possible to leave the subject empty.
* When re-ordering columns, an ON UPDATE -clause could be lost in specific cases.
* Fixed cases where index-level comments were not saved and …

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Thanksgiving Deals | Flat 30% off on SQLyog & Monyog

Happy Thanksgiving!

This week is all about savings. If you have seen offers all around you, well… digest this before you dig into that turkey.

A never before offer, flat 30% discount on SQLyog & Monyog product purchases & upgrades. 

Use coupon code: TG30

Hurry up, this offer is valid until 24th November, 23:59 PST.

Are you using SQLyog community edition? It’s the perfect time to upgrade to the commercial version and use powerful tools to save tons of time on a daily basis. Shop here.

Want to become better at monitoring MySQL servers? Experience Monyog – the most secure & scalable MySQL monitoring tool. Know what’s in store for you.

If you’re an existing …

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SQLyog MySQL GUI 12.3.2 Released

This release fixes a few issues in the new GUI transactions supporting with specific and uncommon server settings.

Changes as compared to SQLyog MySQL GUI 12.3.1 include:

Bug Fixes:

* If an INIT_CONNECT setting in server configuration specified SET AUTOCOMMIT = 0 and global AUTOCOMMIT was 1 (or non-existent as in MySQL 4.1 and 5.0), the ‘transactions’ menu in SQLyog would incorrectly display AUTOCOMMIT as 1 after connection.
* Same code change as above also fixes a crash that could occur with 4.1 servers.
* Transactions support would fail to initialize with servers running global ANSI mode. SQLyog will not work in ANSI mode but connection and initialization should work, so that user as the first step may specify a supported session sql_mode (from the editor or from ‘advanced’ tab in connection …

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SQLyog MySQL GUI 12.3.1 Released

This release fixes a rare crash as well as a regression bug introduced in 12.3.0.

Changes as compared to SQLyog MySQL GUI 12.3.0 include:

Bug Fixes:

* 12.3.0 introduced a slowness when displaying the saved connections list with a large no. (100+) of saved connections. This is fixed now.
* Fixed a rare crash occurring sometimes when typing in the editor inside an invalid query longer than 128 characters. Auto-complete was at fault.


The post SQLyog MySQL GUI 12.3.1 Released

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Introducing GUI transaction support in SQLyog 12.3.0

This release introduces a new major feature – GUI transaction support – as well as some minor features and bug fixes.

Changes as compared to MySQL GUI 12.2.6 include:


* GUI transactions support. This new feature is available in Enterprise and Ultimate editions. Also please see note below.
* Added a tooltip on column headers in Data tab informing about column name, column type and length. In Result tab the tooltip will display column name only, as the result returned by MySQL does not have information of storage type details.
* Added GUI support for index-level comments in CREATE/ALTER TABLE.

Bug Fixes:

* Fixed an issue where GUI could ‘hang’ when executing queries with very large subqueries.
* Fixed an issue with the …

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