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Displaying posts with tag: preload (reset)
About InnoDB’s: Shortened warm-up times with a preloaded InnoDB buffer pool

This comment is in regard to this InnoDB blog page. Trying to post a message says you need to be logged in, but there’s no register/login page I could see…

Anyway the page talks about a new feature which allows you to save on shutdown an InnoDB buffer pool and to load this on startup, this ensuring that once loaded the database will perform with this “hot” cache.

That sounds interesting as I have seen on numerous occasions that if the buffer pool is not warm then performance can be a magnitude worse.

This looks like a very welcome feature. However, a couple of things are not clear to me.

  1. Having some example benchmark times of using this process and comparing it to trying to warm up the buffer pool by hand would be useful.  While this may heavily dependent on database …
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Cache pre-loading on mysqld startup

The following quirky dynamic SQL will scan each index of each table so that they’re loaded into the key_buffer (MyISAM) or innodb_buffer_pool (InnoDB). If you also use the PBXT engine which does have a row cache but no clustered primary key, you could also incorporate some full table scans.

To make mysqld execute this on startup, create /var/lib/mysql/initfile.sql and make it be owned by mysql:mysql

SET SESSION group_concat_max_len=100*1024*1024;
SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT('SELECT COUNT(`',column_name,'`) FROM `',table_schema,'`.`',table_name,'` FORCE INDEX (`',index_name,'`)') SEPARATOR ' UNION ALL ') INTO @sql FROM information_schema.statistics WHERE table_schema NOT IN ('information_schema','mysql') AND seq_in_index = 1;
PREPARE stmt FROM @sql;
SET SESSION group_concat_max_len=@@group_concat_max_len;

and in my.cnf add a line in the [mysqld] block

init-file = …
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