When one of our most talented MySQL Support Engineers asks for help, let’s give him and his wife a hand!

Dear MySQL Family,

Soon before Christmas I read these lines Shawn Green (one of our most talented Support Engineer) had written about his wife at Amie’s lottery chances were better..:

What can you do when you are one of a 1000 people out of the 7.5 billion on the planet who have been diagnosed with this particular disease. Imagine having your guts knotted up as though you had Crohn’s disease, add to that fever and aches as though you had flu, add to this the feeling that you have the arthritic joints of a 80 year old and you are 42… Now you have a idea of what T.R.A.P.S syndrome is like. Now imagine having cancer as well. The money that is being raised is going to offset the cost of Mayo clinic in Minnesota…as well as current medical bills. We have discovered that her cancer has spread..but still treatable. We are home finally and will find out when next surgery will be.

There are two technical parts on the page:

  1. Medical
  2. How to make a donation using a credit card.

I have to admit I’m no good on medicine or medical terms. However, the second technical part using my credit card was easier for me. If you, just like me, prefer to make anonymous donations there is a checkbox for it.

So when one of our most talented MySQL Support Engineers asks for help, let’s give him and his wife a hand!

Wish you all a happy new 2014.

Sincerely, Gustaf