LDAP Authentication with MariaDB PAM Plugin

This is getting more and more common, so I wanted to provide the steps required to get LDAP authentication working with MariaDB PAM plugin.

Unless you’re already familiar with setting up the MariaDB PAM plugin, I’d first recommend getting this to work with a standard Linux user (steps 1-4), then once all is working fine, progress to the LDAP users (steps 5-10). (And if you do not want to test this for the Linux user account, then you may skip steps #2 and #3.)

  1. Enable plugin by running the following from the command line client:
    INSTALL SONAME 'auth_pam';

    You should see an entry like this afterward in SHOW PLUGINS:

        | pam | ACTIVE | AUTHENTICATION | auth_pam.so | GPL |
  2. Create the mysql user account (note it does not have a password, as it will obtain this from your Linux user, and eventually the LDAP account) and provide it with the GRANTS you want it to have:
        CREATE USER 'chris'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED VIA pam USING 'mariadb';
    GRANT ALL ON db1.* TO 'chris'@'localhost';

    Note “mariadb” is the PAM service name I’ve specified. It is good to specify this so you don’t overwrite the existing default policy (in case it is being used).

  3. Create PAM policy in “/etc/pam.d/mariadb” (ensure readable and ensure the file name, “mariadb”, matches the PAM service name you specified for your user in the above step):
    auth required pam_unix.so
    account required pam_unix.so

    (Restart MariaDB instance afterward.)

    Then, you should be able to connect via the command line with (assuming you have a Linux user ‘chris’):

    mysql -u chris -p

    This should allow you to login. Now you can move on to integrating LDAP.

  4. Verify the LDAP user exists with:
    shell> id chris

    It should return uid, gid, groups, etc.

  5. If using the MySQL client, you’ll need to enable the clear text plugin:

    If you need to do this, it is recommended you begin using SSL connections, if not already.

    Also, you’ll need to reboot after this change, but wait until after step #6.

  6. We need to edit the PAM policy in “/etc/pam.d/mariadb” to:
    auth required pam_ldap.so
    account required pam_ldap.so

    (We’re basically just replacing “pam_unix.so” with “pam_ldap.so”.)

    Now, restart MariaDB.

  7. Next, you need to ensure that you have libpam-ldap/openldap installed (so you have “pam_ldap.so”, that is the key). You can install this on RedHat/CentOS with the following:
    # yum install openldap openldap-clients
  8. After that, you’ll need to configure /etc/ldap.conf. Here is a sample configuration:
        debug 10 # set debug level only during the initial configuration
    base dc=corp,dc=company_name,dc=com
    binddn cn=service_account,OU=Service Accounts,OU=US Security,DC=corp,DC=company_name,DC=com
    bindpw <password>
    timelimit 120
    idle_timelimit 3600
    uri ldaps://<LDAP URL>:<LDAP PORT>

    And if using Active Directory, you should also add these lines:

    pam_login_attribute samaccountname
    pam_member_attribute member
    nss_map_objectclass posixAccount user
    nss_map_objectclass shadowAccount user
    nss_map_attribute uid sAMAccountName
    nss_map_attribute homeDirectory unixHomeDirectory
    nss_map_attribute shadowLastChange pwdLastSet
    nss_map_objectclass posixGroup group
    nss_map_attribute uniqueMember member
    pam_login_attribute sAMAccountName
    pam_filter objectclass=User
    pam_password ad

    Note I obtained the sample ldap.conf from this Alexander Rubin post.

  9. After that, make sure you can connect to ldap and that you can search ldap with ldapsearch, which you can verify with:
        shell> telnet <ldap server> <ldap password> (this should report "connected")
    shell> ldapsearch –w <password for bind user> -x –D 'cn=USER,OU=People...' "(&(ObjectClass=user)(cn=USERNAME))"
  10. After this, things should be all set up, as the plugin is installed properly, the user has been created in MariaDB, we’ve installed pam_ldap.so, we’ve updated /etc/pam.d/mariadb to use the pam_ldap.so instead of the pam_unix.so, and created the appropriate ldap.conf. Thus you should be able to login with the following (this time assuming “chris” is an LDAP user account):
    mysql -u chris -p

If you want to know more about user mapping, you should read this post by Geoff Montee as well as this post by Alexander Rubin.

I hope this helps.