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Displaying posts with tag: Monitoring and Merlin (reset)
Make me a MEM replication delay screen

"List me all databases that have a current replication delay of more than 10 seconds."
"Easy. Let's fetch the data from Merlin."

And that is how it started.

The mem schema has a table inventory_attributes, which decodes reported attribute names into attribute_ids:

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Getting SQL from a SPAN port

Recently I needed the query stream hitting a very busy master. Normally I would have been using the MySQL Proxy to collect queries, but on a very busy machine the Proxy is as much of a problem as it is part of the solution, so I chose a different approach.

I had a SPAN port configured for the master, which is Ciscospeak for a port on a switch which mirrors all traffic of one or more other ports. I had an otherwise idle machine listening to the SPAN port on a spare network card. That way it is possible to collect traffic to and from the master without any interference with the master.

On the listener box, I had tcpflow collecting data to my master (and only traffic to, not from the master): CODE:tcpflow -i eth1 dst master and port 3306 These tcpflow files now need to be processed into a …

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DELETE, innodb_max_purge_lag and a case for PARTITIONS

Where I work, Merlin is an important tool for us and provides a lot of insight that other, more generic monitoring tools do not provide. We love it, and in fact love it such much that we have about 140 database agents reporting into Merlin 2.0 from about 120 different machines. That results in a data influx of about 1.2G a day without using QUAN, and in a data influx of about 6G a day using QUAN on a set of selected machines.

It completely overwhelms the Merlin data purge process, so the merlin database grows out of bounds, which is quite unfortunate because our disk space is in fact very bounded.

The immediate answer to our purge problem was to disable the merlin internal purge and with the kind help of MySQL support to create a script which generates a list of record ids to delete. These ids end up in a number of delete statements with very large WHERE ... IN (...) clauses that do the actual delete.

This …

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Monitoring MySQL

Slides (PDF, 402K) These are the slides for my talk "Monitoring MySQL" at the MySQL Users Conference and Expo 2007 from yesterday.

I tried to reproduce my talk as a written text, but what I attach below is somewhat more and at the same time less than what I was actually saying yesterday.

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Sysadmins Nightly Mental Pain (SNMP)

Dear Diary, today I ventured into one of the darkest realms of the sysadmin profession: I started playing with SNMP. My goal was very simple and quite clearly stated: Make the output of "SHOW GLOBAL STATUS" available to a SNMP client. One would think that this is a reasonable and easily fulfilled wish.

Little did I know of the madness and despair that linger in the depths which are guarded by the dread named ASN.1 and where the noxious fumes of the organisation no longer called CCITT can still strongly be smelled.

But let us begin this story at the beginning - with a clean install of Suse Linux 10.0 and my trusty apt4rpm and me. It was my thought that the perl support of net-snmp might me handy to get me where I wanted to me: perl is easily the more convenient language for prototyping that C or C++ and getting to the data …

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