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Displaying posts with tag: Repair MYSQL Database (reset)
Incorrect Information in .FRM File of InnoDB Table

MySQL organizes all the data as tables, irrespective of storage engine used. If you are using MySQL with InnoDB tables, these tables might get corrupt due to hardware faults, unexpected power failure, MySQL code errors, kernel bugs and other similar reasons. In such cases, InnoDB will typically give some errors indicating table corruption. As a data restoration source, you will need to use your latest database backup. But in case if backup fails to restore required information or doesn’t exist, you should scan your damaged database using third-party MySQL Repair or MySQL Recovery tools.

You might encounter the similar error message while accessing an InnoDB table:

“#1033 - Incorrect information in file: '"table name" .frm”

MySQL crashes after you receive this error message.

Cause: You receive this error message if …

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A small analysis on MySQL database corruption and the possible resolution

MySQL is a reliable and higher secure relational database management system that was developed to deal with much bigger databases. Its improved performance, high speed and connectivity make it a better client-server application that has a support for different back-ends, client programs, and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). But one often faces corruption issues while working with MySQL databases. The corruption may occur due to any reason, such as quitting application in the middle of a write operation, improper system shutdown, hardware issues etc. All these reasons may prevent you from accessing your important databases tables and other objects in the corrupt MySQL database. To recover back all your inaccessible and valuable data in such situations, you need to go for MySQL recovery through a reliable third party utility.

For instance, you may get an error message reading:

"Table …

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The Safe Way to Recover MySQL Database

MySQL is a relational database application, which is widely used for many web based projects. Like any other database application, MySQL also stores various important data. Hence, any problem with the database, results in the complete inaccessibility of the valuable data, which may lead to huge business loss. However, there are many MySQL recovery software that can help you deal with the MySQL problems and recover your precious data back.

MySQL runs as a database server and provides multi-user access to many different databases. For its usability and features, this application is used by many big World Wide Web products, such as Google, Wikipedia, Facebook etc. However, there are occasions, when MySQL gets corrupted and all the data in it becomes completely inaccessible.

There are thousands of such reasons behind possible MySQL corruption. Below listed, are some of the most prominent ones:

1. …

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MySQL recovery utility for any instance of corruption

In order to start your MySQL server, you used to type the whole path like: "C:\mysql\bin\mysql123" in your DOS prompt. However, sometimes, the MySQL server fails to start with this usual command and the reason may be any possible case of database corruption or damage. In such a case, you cannot be able to access your database and need any MySQL repair utility to repair the troubled MySQL database and recover the data thereof.
In case of any corruption, you may encounter an error message at the start of the MySQL server, which may be as below:

"Default storage engine is not available"

Moreover, in order to resolve the error, if you reinstall the MySQL server without removing the data directory, the server starts normally. However, to your utter dismay, while accessing the any database table, you may encounter another error message on the screen as below:

"ERROR 1146 (42S02): Table 'Tablename' doesn't …

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Advanced Utility to Repair and Restore Corrupt MySQL Table

MySQL database has many commands to systematically maintain its data. All of these commands have different syntax. Out of the several commands, MySQL database has two most common commands that are Optimize and Flush. The Optimize command of MySQL database is used for the defragmenting the database files and use the free space. The Flush command of MySQL database reloads and clears all the internal patches used by database. You can use Flush statement with RELOAD privilege. The above mentioned two commands have different functionalities and features. Using MySQL commands one after the another, your MySQL database table can get corrupted. In such scenarios, your data saved in the table will be inaccessible. For accessibility of table data, you should use an advanced MySQL repair software to fix the problem.

Consider a practical scenario wherein, you run the Optimize command and consequently run the Flush command, after doing this you may …

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Recover Crashed Tables in MySQL Database

MySQL is a popular database management system, a most widely used for web databases, offers efficient techniques to ensure absolute integrity of the database. When you start MySQLD (MySQL Server), it automatically examines all the database tables for integrity. MySQL Server also fixes the tables if they are marked as ´not closed properly´ or ´crashed´. It backs up all the corrupted database tables and makes their entries in the error log. Though, it works in a number of cases, but cannot necessarily fix all the corruption issues and fails to recover MySQL database.

The MySQLD technique cannot repair MySQL database if it is severely damaged. As a practical scenario, where MySQL Server cannot handle the table corruption, you may encounter the below error message-

"Got an error from thread_id=1, mi_dynrec.c:368"

The above error message occurs when you start the MySQL server for accessing the database …

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How to repair MySQL database when the Error 145 occurs

In MySQL databases, the MyISAM table is the default database engine, which provides a variety of functions to manage fields and indexes. These tables are best used for table locking, which makes it very useful while performing real-time transactions on the websites. However, when these tables get corrupt due to any random reason it makes the trading done on the web very insecure. In such cases, you should try to repair MySQL table using some appropriate methods. If none of the methods succeed, then I would recommend you to use a third-party MySQL Repair software to repair MySQL database.

Taking a practical case into consideration in which the following error message is displayed while you are working on a MyISAM table in the MySQL database:

"MySQL error code 145 = Table was marked as crashed and should be repaired"

The …

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How to repair MyISAM tables in MySQL 5.0

MyISAM is the default storage engine in MySQL server. It consists of three types of files: .myi, .frm, and .myd. Of these three, the MYI file is the index file that stores a counter in its header. This header is used to signify whether a particular table was closed properly or not. Sometimes, while using the myisamchk command if you get an error message that means the table has corrupted. Such problems can occur due to various reasons such as power outages, abrupt system shutdown, mysqld process getting killed in between a write operation, etc. You should use in-built workarounds to repair the table. If you are not able to do this, then you should use a third-party MySQL repair software to recover MySQL database.

Consider a scenario wherein you have installed MySQL 5.0 in your system. One day, when you try to run the myisamcheck command to check a database table, it …

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Repair your Corrupted MySQL Database

Yesterday one of our computer’s user partition filled up automatically that caused database corruption in the mysql database. After freeing the space from the partition, we ran some commands to repair and recover mysql database. Here is the list what we did yesterday: into your directory where your database files are stored. In my case it was in the /usr…/data/mysql/ folder.

2.Then We run this command:
myisamchk *.MYI | grep -3 –color corrupted

3.After running above command this should give you some output on the current state of your database files & indicate which file is corrupted and need to repair. This also gives you the next command to run on the line that is:
Fix it using switch “-r” or “-o”

4.So that is we did
myisamchk -r file.MYI

5.Your database should be repaired

Recovering MySQL Corruption in Bugzilla Database

Bugzilla is a web-based bug tracking and testing application that is used by many software development companies. It extensively various databases including MySQL for its backend support especially because both of these applications are freely available. Although this tool runs pretty fine in most cases, it can get stalled when the some of the MySQL tables get corrupt. In such cases, you are unable to perform various tasks on the database. You can use the 'myisamchk' command with different parameters to repair MySQL database. If it does not work, then you should use a professional MySQL recovery software to recover MySQL database.

Discussing a similar situation in Bugzilla, consider you get the following error message while generating a bugs report:

"undef error - DBD::mysql::db selectrow_array failed: Table 'attach_data' is
marked as crashed …

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