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Displaying posts with tag: large databases (reset)
Configuring for large databases in MySQL Cluster

If you need to create a big database into MySQL Cluster with:

  • A lot of tables indexes, columns, and tables
  • A lot of records

there are a few things to think about:

  • If a table has > ~90M records, you have to create the table with MAX_ROWS=<amount of records in table anticipating growth>:
    CREATE TABLE t1(...) ENGINE=ndbcluster MAX_ROWS=200000000;
    This way the data node will allocate more partitions for the table, since there is a limitation in how many records that can be stored in one partition (and the limit is around 90M records).
  • Many tables / table objects --> Make sure you increase MaxNoOfTables (kernel limit is 20320 tables). This creates a table object pool of size MaxNoOfTables.
    • Each table you create will use one table object. …
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