I’ll try to clear up possible confusion about dates and MySQL’s TO_DAYS() function. TO_DAYS() works, correctly. TO_DAYS() assumes a year 0, correctly. There are indeed bugs, but only if you use MySQL extensions with partitions.
First: TO_DAYS() works, correctly. The MySQL Reference Manual
says we use a proleptic Gregorian calendar, and that’s all
explained with terms anyone can follow, in section “11.7. What
Calendar Is Used By MySQL?”
So we follow the Gregorian rules, not the Julian ones, without
concerning ourselves about what happened in 1582 — just like DB2,
just like the standard, not like Oracle. To make sure it’s okay,
I wrote and ran this stored procedure:
DELIMITER // SET @@sql_mode=ansi// DROP procedure IF EXISTS p// CREATE PROCEDURE p () BEGIN DECLARE days_in_month INT DEFAULT 31; DECLARE months_in_year INT DEFAULT 12; DECLARE …[Read more]