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Displaying posts with tag: MySQL;Technology (reset)
VI for Visual Studio

Not sure why you would want to but I've had several people ask me about VI emulation under Visual Studio.  Yes, Virginia, it exists.  Check it out here.  Will set you back $70 but if you really need it....

VMWare 6 rocks

So I've been using Virtual PC 2007 since it was released but was always frustrated with its inferior Linux support.  I don't really understand why Microsoft drags their feet on this.  With more and more devs moving to vm only development, it's getting easier and easier to change your host platform and still development for Windows.  I'm sure Microsoft would much rather you run Windows as your host platform and run Linux in a vm when you need.   I've tried VMWare Server but since I run Vista x64 as my host, that's more pain than I really like.

Enter VMWare 6.  Sure it installs and runs on Vista x64 like a champ and performance seems great but what really blew me away was the multi-monitor support.  I've been using twin 19" monitors for nearly 2 years now and I simply can't imagine life without them.  Folks I kid you not.  It was easier to get Ubuntu running on two monitors using VMWare 6 than it was …

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Heading to the UC

In a few hours, I'll hop a plane to Santa Clara for the 2006 MySQL Users Conference.  There will be many great MySQL people so I'm sure there will be excellent blog coverage the entire week.  I'll try to post a few thoughts myself.

Oh, and in case anyone missed it, the Visual Express products are now free permanently.  On Windows, I expect Visual C++ Express to be the preferred "free" tool for building MySQL.  As of right now, we build MySQL on Windows using Visual Studio 2003.

Good for a laugh

Putty should be flexible, right?

So I'm here in Sorrento, Italy at our dev conference and struggling mightily to get a good clone of the 5.1 repository on my box.  You see I'm using BitKeeper with plink (ala Putty) as the SSH tunnel.  The wireless connection on my Inspiron 6000  keeps going down and coming back up and this is something that plink simply can't stand. 

So I installed OpenSSH for Windows (yes the abandoned project that is sort of being maintained).  Worked first time.  Apparently the stock ssh client that comes with cygwin (and therefore with OpenSSH for Windows) is much more tolerant of unstable network connections. 

VMWare plays the free card

Virtualization has been a key part of my development process for the last couple of years.  I've used Virtual PC since way before Microsoft bought it but usually just to check how a web app looks under an ancient build of IE.  Developing code here at MySQL means that code needs to work under Windows and Unix and since I run Windows Server 2003 x64 R2 as my main OS I need to run some flavor of Linux under some virtualization software.

Before I shifted to an x64 build of Windows, that choice was Virtual PC.  Why?  It came with my MSDN so it was an easy choice.  The Linux support under Virtual PC is understandably non-existent but since my needs were relatively small I didn't have any problems.  Enter Windows x64 and exit Virtual PC.  Yup, not x64 compatible.

No problem. VMWare runs perfectly on x64 (and if I had the right generation of Opteron I could even run x64 guest OS) so for the past …

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Ext2 for Windows

Many of the developers here at MySQL dual boot between some type of Linux distro and some flavor of Windows.  They may need to make sure a new feature works on Windows or may need to work on an installer for the package.  More than once I've thought that it would be nice if Windows could read and write to my Linux drives. 

There was certainly no technical reason why it couldn't be done since Windows allows the installation of third-party file system drivers.  No one cared enough to bother, until now.  The website indicates that it supports all normal functions of a file system such as reading, writing, and file/directory operations.  Has anyone use this? 

MySQL 5.0 goes gold!

The moment that so many have long waited for is finally here.  MySQL 5.0 GA is now available for download.  Get your copy here.

Running 64 bit guests under VMWare 5.5? Not for me

I was so pumped when I saw that VMWare 5.5 would allow running 64 bit guest operating systems.  Here at MySQL, I have a need to develop not only 64 bit versions of my connector but to also work on a 64 bit version of the server.  Today, I installed the RC version of 5.5 and tried to install Windows Server 2003 x64.  Bzzzt!  The VMWare manager politely tells me that my host cannot run 64 bit guests.  What?!?!?!?

A little reading on the VMWare website tells me that host machines with AMD processors must either have revision D Athlons or revision E opterons.  The opertons have to use a 0.09 SOI process too.  Having no idea what revision my 246's are, I set out to find some software to help me out.  This took longer than I expected, but I found a nice little tool named Central Brain Identifier (CBID).  It can be found here.  Note:  I …

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Microsoft starts new WSYP program

This is pretty funny

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